www.gusucode.com > curvefit 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > curvefit/FitFourierModelsExample.m

    %% Fit Fourier Models Using the fit Function
% This example shows how to use the |fit| function to fit a Fourier
% model to data.
% The Fourier library model is an input argument to the |fit| and |fittype|
% functions. Specify the model type |fourier| followed by the number of
% terms, e.g., |'fourier1'| to |'fourier8'| .
% This example fits the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
% data. The ENSO data consists of monthly averaged atmospheric pressure
% differences between Easter Island and Darwin, Australia. This difference
% drives the trade winds in the southern hemisphere.
% The ENSO data is clearly periodic, which suggests it can be described by
% a Fourier series. Use Fourier series models to look for periodicity.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Fit a Two-Term Fourier Model
% Load some data and fit an two-term Fourier model.
load enso;
f = fit(month,pressure,'fourier2')

% The confidence bounds on |a2| and |b2| cross zero. For linear terms, you
% cannot be sure that these coefficients differ from zero, so they are not
% helping with the fit. This means that this two term model is probably no
% better than a one term model.
%% Measure Period
% The |w| term is a measure of period. |2*pi/w| converts to the period in
% months, because the period of |sin()| and |cos()| is |2*pi| .
w = f.w

% |w| is very close to 12 months, indicating a yearly period. Observe this
% looks correct on the plot, with peaks approximately 12 months apart.

%% Fit an Eight-Term Fourier Model

f2 = fit(month,pressure,'fourier8')

%% Measure Period
w = f2.w

% With the |f2| model, the period |w| is approximately 7 years. 

%% Examine Terms
% Look for the coefficients with the largest magnitude to find the most
% important terms.
% * |a7| and |b7| are the largest. Look at the |a7| term in the model
% equation: |a7*cos(7*x*w)|. |7*w| == 7/7 = 1 year cycle. |a7| and |b7|
% indicate the annual cycle is the strongest.
% * Similarly, |a1| and |b1| terms give 7/1, indicating a seven year cycle.
% * |a2| and |b2| terms are a 3.5 year cycle (7/2). This is stronger than the
% 7 year cycle because the |a2| and |b2| coefficients have larger magnitude
% than a1 and b1.
% * |a3| and |b3| are quite strong terms indicating a 7/3 or 2.3 year cycle.
% * Smaller terms are less important for the fit, such as |a6|, |b6|, |a5|,
% and |b5|.
% Typically, the El Nino warming happens at irregular intervals of two to
% seven years, and lasts nine months to two years. The average period
% length is five years. The model results reflect some of these periods.

%% Set Start Points
% The toolbox calculates optimized start points for Fourier fits, based on
% the current data set. Fourier series models are particularly sensitive to
% starting points, and the optimized values might be accurate for only a
% few terms in the associated equations. You can override the start points
% and specify your own values.
% After examining the terms and plots, it looks like a 4 year cycle might
% be present. Try to confirm this by setting |w|. Get a value for |w|,
% where 8 years = 96 months.
w = (2*pi)/96

% Find the order of the entries for coefficients in the model ('f2') by
% using the |coeffnames| function.
% Get the current coefficient values.
coeffs = coeffvalues(f2)

% Set the last ceofficient, |w|, to 0.065.
coeffs(:,18) = w

% Set the start points for coefficients using the new value for |w|.
f3 = fit(month,pressure,'fourier8', 'StartPoint', coeffs);
% Plot both fits to see that the new value for |w| in |f3| does not produce
% a better fit than |f2| .
hold on
plot(f2, 'b')
hold off
legend( 'Data', 'f3', 'f2')

%% Find Fourier Fit Options
% Find available fit options using |fitoptions( _modelname_ )|. 

% If you want to modify fit options such as coefficient starting values and
% constraint bounds appropriate for your data, or change algorithm
% settings, see the options for NonlinearLeastSquares on the |fitoptions|
% reference page.