www.gusucode.com > curvefit 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > curvefit/spcrvdem.m

    %% Splines in the Plane
% This example shows how to use the |spmak|, |spcrv|, |cscvn| and |rscvn|
% commands from Curve Fitting Toolbox(TM) to construct spline curves in the
% plane. This includes plotting tangents and computing the area enclosed by a
% curve.

%   Copyright 1987-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% A Simple Spline Curve
% Curve Fitting Toolbox can handle _vector-valued_ splines. A
% d-vector-valued univariate spline provides a curve in d-space. In this
% mode, |d = 2| is most common, as it gives plane curves.
% Here is an example, in which a spline with 2-dimensional coefficients is
% constructed and plotted.
knots = [1,1:9,9];
curve = spmak( knots, repmat([ 0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1 ], 2,1).' );

t = linspace(2,8,121);
values = fnval(curve,t);
axis([-.4 1.4 -.2 1.2]), axis equal
title('A Spline Curve');
hold on

%% A Word of Caution
% You may have noticed that this example did not use |fnplt| to plot the
% curve, but instead plotted some points on the curve obtained by |fnval|.
% Here is the code again:
%    t = linspace(2,8,121);
%    values = fnval(curve,t);
%    plot(values(1,:),values(2,:),'LineWidth',2)
% Using |fnplt| directly with this particular spline curve gives the red curve
% in the figure below.
title('The Full Spline Curve, in Red')
% The explanation?
% The spline is of order 4, yet the end knots in the knot sequence
% only have multiplicity 2. Therefore, all the B-splines of order 4 for this
% knot sequence are 0 at the endpoints of the basic interval. This makes the
% curve start and stop at (0,0).

%% A Remedy
% Since, in this case, we are really interested only in the curve segment
% corresponding to the parameter interval [3 .. 7], we can use |fnbrk| to
% extract that part, and then have no difficulty plotting it, in yellow, with
% |fnplt|.
mycv = fnbrk(curve,[3 7]);
title('The Spline Curve of Interest, in Yellow')

%% The Area Enclosed By This Curve
% Since you now have a spline, namely |mycv|, that describes the curve
% (and nothing else), you can easily compute the area enclosed by this
% closed curve, as follows.
area = diff(fnval(fnint( ...
       fncmb(fncmb(mycv,[0 1]),'*',fnder(fncmb(mycv,[1 0]))) ...
% With a little effort, you can recognize this as the value of the
% integral
%    int y(t) d(x(t)) = int y(t) Dx(t) dt
% over the basic interval of the spline |mycv|, with |(x(t),y(t)) :=
% fnval(mycv,t)| the point on the curve corresponding to the parameter value
% |t|. Here, |fncmb(mycv,[1,0])|, |fncmb(mycv,[0,1])| describe the two
% components of the spline curve, i.e., the scalar-valued splines |x| and |y|.
% Also, the curve is roughly a circle with radius 1/2. Hence, you would
% expect an area of, roughly, 
% But why is the computed area _negative_? Because the area enclosed by the
% curve lies to the left as one travels on the curve with increasing |t|.
% To verify this, we draw some tangent vectors.

%% Add Some Tangent Vectors
% We redraw the curve and also draw the tangent vector to the curve at
% some points.
hold off
fnplt(mycv,'y',2.5); hold on
t = 3:.4:6.2;
cv = fnval(curve, t);
cdv = fnval(fnder(curve), t);
quiver(cv(1,:),cv(2,:), cdv(1,:),cdv(2,:));
title('A Spline Curve With Some Tangents')
axis([-.4 1.4 -.2 1.2]), axis equal

%% The Intersection of the Curve With a Straight Line
% If you wanted to determine the points of intersection of this spline
% curve with the straight line |y = x|, the following code would give them
% to you, and plot the segment of that straight line inside the curve:
cuts = fnval(mycv, ...
plot(cuts(1,:), cuts(2,:),'y','LineWidth',2.5)
hold off
title('A Spline Curve With Some Tangents and a Cut Across')

%% SPCRV: The Control Polygon and the Corresponding Spline Curve
% Spline curves are used extensively in the generation of illustrations in
% which nothing more than a smooth curve of a certain roughly imagined
% shape is required. For this, Curve Fitting Toolbox contains a special
% command, |spcrv|, which can be used independently of the rest of the
% toolbox.
% Given a sequence of points in the plane and, optionally, an order |k|,
% |spcrv| generates, by repeated midpoint knot insertion, the spline curve of
% order |k| whose control polygon is specified by the given sequence.
% The figure below shows such a control polygon, and the corresponding spline
% curve of order 3.
points = [0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 2; -1 1; -1 0; 0 -1; 0 -2].';
values = spcrv(points,3);

axis([-2 2.25 -2.1 2.2]);
hold on
legend({'Control Polygon' 'Quadratic Spline Curve'},  'location','SE');
% Notice that the curve touches each segment of the control polygon at its
% midpoint, and follows the shape outlined by the control polygon.

%% Raising the Order
% Raising the order |k| will pull the curve away from the control polygon and
% make it smoother, but also shorter. Here, we have added the corresponding
% spline curve of order 4.
value4 = spcrv(points,4);
legend({'Control Polygon' 'Quadratic Spline Curve' ...
        'Cubic Spline Curve'}, 'location','SE');

% On the other hand, to obtain an interpolating curve, you could use the
% |cscvn| command, which provides a parametric `natural' cubic spline curve.
fnplt(cscvn(points), 'g',1.5);
legend({'Control Polygon' 'Quadratic Spline Curve' ...
        'Cubic Spline Curve' 'Interpolating Spline Curve'}, ...

% By adding the point (.95,-.05) near the second control point, (1,0), we
% can create an interpolating spline curve that turns faster there.
np = size(points, 2);
fnplt( cscvn([ points(:,1) [.95; -.05] points(:,2:np) ]), 'm',1.5);
legend({'Control Polygon' 'Quadratic Spline Curve' ...
        'Cubic Spline Curve' 'Interpolating Spline Curve' ...
        'Faster Turning Near (1,0)'}, ...
hold off

% You can also obtain a tangent-continuous curve composed of circular arcs
% that passes through a given sequence of points in the plane and, 
% optionally, is orthogonal to given normal directions at the points. The
% command |rscvn| provides such a curve.
% For example, the following generates a circle
c = rscvn([-1 1 -1;0 0 0],[1 1;0 0]);
% as its plot shows.
axis([-1.05 1.05 -1.05 1.05]), axis equal, axis off

% |c| is a quadratic rational spline consisting of just two pieces,
% as the following commands make clear.
[form, order, breaks] = fnbrk(c,'f','o','b')

% It is easy to generate striking patterns with this tool using just a few
% data points. For example, here is a version of the design on the
% Bronze Triskele Medallion in the Ulster Museum in Belfast, supposedly
% done by pieces of circular arcs a long time ago.
pp =[zeros(1,7); 5.4, 3, 6.9, 2.75, 2.5, .5, 5];
alpha = 2*pi/3; ca = cos(alpha); sa = sin(alpha); c = [ca sa;-sa ca];
d = [0 0 .05 -.05;1 -1 .98 .98]; d = [d c*d];
yin = rscvn([pp(:,[7,1:3]),c*pp(:,3:4),pp(:,3)], d(:,[1 2 1 4 7 5 1]));
fnplt(yin), hold on, fnplt(fncmb(yin,c)), fnplt(fncmb(yin,c'))
yang = rscvn([pp(:,6),-pp(:,6),pp(:,5),c*pp(:,4)],[d(:,[2 1 1]),c(:,2)]);
fnplt(yang), fnplt(fncmb(yang,c)), fnplt(fncmb(yang,c'))
axis([-7.2 7.2 -7.2 7.2]), axis equal, axis off, hold off
