www.gusucode.com > database 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > database/FindShortestPathExample.m

    %% Find Shortest Path Between People in Social Neighborhood
% This example shows how to search a social neighborhood to find the
% shortest path between people, using the MATLAB(R) interface to Neo4j(R).
% Assume that you have graph data that is stored on a Neo4j(R)
% database which represents a social neighborhood. This database has seven
% nodes and eight relationships. Each node has only one unique property key
% |name| with values |User1| through |User7|. Each relationship has type
% |knows|.
% To find the shortest path between |User1| and |User7|, use the MATLAB(R)
% interface to Neo4j(R) and the <docid:matlab_ref.bun70tf> object. For
% details about the MATLAB(R) interface to Neo4j(R), see
% <docid:database_ug.bveys16-1>.
% The local machine hosts the Neo4j(R) database with port number |7474|,
% user name |neo4j|, and password |matlab|. For a visual representation of
% the data in the database, see this figure.
% <<../Social.JPG>>

%% Connect to Neo4j(R) Database
% Create a Neo4j(R) connection object |neo4jconn| using the URL
% |http://localhost:7474/db/data|, user name |neo4j|, and password
% |matlab|.

url = 'http://localhost:7474/db/data';
username = 'neo4j';
password = 'matlab';

neo4jconn = neo4j(url,username,password);

% Check the |Message| property of the Neo4j(R) connection object
% |neo4jconn|. 


% The blank |Message| property indicates a successful connection.

%% Search Entire Graph
% Find all the |Person| nodes and all the relationships associated with
% each |Person| node using |searchGraph|.

social_graphdata = searchGraph(neo4jconn,{'Person'})

%% Convert Graph Data to Directed Graph
% Using the table |social_graphdata.Nodes|, access the |name| property for
% each node that appears in the |NodeData| variable of the table.

% Assign the table |social_graphdata.Nodes| to |nodestable|. 
nodestable = social_graphdata.Nodes

% Assign the row names for each row in the table |nodestable| to
% |rownames|.
rownames = nodestable.Properties.RowNames

% Access the |NodeData| variable from |nodestable| for each row.
nodedata = [nodestable.NodeData{rownames}]
% |nodedata| contains an array of structures.

% To retrieve the |name| field from each structure, index into the array.
nodenames = {nodedata(:).name}
% |nodenames| is a cell array of character vectors that contains node
% names.

% Create the |digraph| object |social_graph| using the
% |neo4jStruct2Digraph| function with the graph data stored in
% |social_graphdata| and the node names stored in |nodenames|.
social_graph = neo4jStruct2Digraph(social_graphdata,'NodeNames',nodenames)

% To see a visual representation of the graph, create a figure that
% displays |social_graph|.

%% Find Shortest Path
% Find the shortest path between |User1| and |User7| using |shortestpath|.

[user1_to_user7,distance] = shortestpath(social_graph,'User1','User7')