www.gusucode.com > database 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > database/InsertTableRecordMATLABInterfaceToSQLiteExample.m

    %% Insert a Table Record Using the MATLAB(R) Interface to SQLite
% Create a SQLite connection |conn| to a new SQLite database file
% |tutorial.db|. Specify the file name in the current working folder.
dbfile = fullfile(pwd,'tutorial.db');

conn = sqlite(dbfile,'create');
% Create the table |inventoryTable| using |exec|.
createInventoryTable = ['create table inventoryTable ' ...
    '(productNumber NUMERIC, Quantity NUMERIC, ' ...
    'Price NUMERIC, inventoryDate VARCHAR)'];

% |inventoryTable| is an empty table in |tutorial.db|.
% Insert a row of data into |inventoryTable|.
colnames = {'productNumber','Quantity','Price','inventoryDate'};

insert(conn,'inventoryTable',colnames, ...
    {20,150,50.00,'11/3/2015 2:24:33 AM'})
% Close the SQLite connection.