www.gusucode.com > distcomp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > distcomp/paralleldemo_bench_dist.m

    %% Distributed Benchmark
% This example runs a MATLAB(R) benchmark that has been modified for
% Parallel Computing Toolbox(TM).  We execute the benchmark on our workers 
% to determine the relative speeds of the machines on our distributed
% computing network.  Fluctuations of 5 or 10 percent in the measured times
% of repeated runs on a single machine are not uncommon.
% This benchmark is intended to compare the performance of one particular
% version of MATLAB on different machines.  It does not offer direct
% comparisons between different versions of MATLAB.  The tasks and 
% problem sizes change from version to version.
% For details about the benchmark, 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_task_bench.m')) view the code for pctdemo_task_bench>. 
% Prerequisites:
% * <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex53988799
% Customizing the Settings for the Examples in the Parallel Computing Toolbox> 
% * <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex21012732 Using Callback Functions>
% Related examples:
% * <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex07510622 Benchmark the Client Machine>

%   Copyright 2007-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load the Example Settings and the Data
% The example uses the default profile when identifying the cluster to use.
% The
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','distcomp','distcomp_ug.map'),'profiles_help')
% profiles documentation> 
% explains how to create new profiles and how to change the default 
% profile.  See 
% <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex53988799
% Customizing the Settings for the Examples in the Parallel Computing Toolbox> 
% for instructions on how to change the example difficulty level or the number of
% tasks created.
% Because this example uses callbacks, we also verify that we have an MJS
% cluster object to use, rather than one of the other cluster types.
[difficulty, myCluster, numTasks] = pctdemo_helper_getDefaults();
if ~isequal(myCluster.Type, 'MJS')
    error('pctexample:benchdist:NotMJS', ...
          ['This example uses callbacks, which are only available with ' ...
           'an MJS cluster.']);
fprintf(['This example will submit a job with %d task(s) ' ...
         'to the cluster.\n'], numTasks);

% We will repeat the benchmark |count| times, and run a total of |numTasks|
% benchmarks on the network. Because we cannot control which workers execute the
% tasks, some of them may be benchmarked more than once.  Also, note that
% the example difficulty level has no effect on the computations we perform in this
% example.
% You can 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_setup_bench.m')) view the code for pctdemo_setup_bench> 
% for full details.
[fig, count] = pctdemo_setup_bench(difficulty);

%% Create and Submit the Job
% We create one job that consists of |numTasks| tasks.  Each task consists of
% executing |pctdemo_task_bench(count)| and calling |pctdemo_taskfin_bench|
% when it has completed.  The task finished callback collects the task results
% and stores them.  It also updates the plot with all the results obtained so
% far.  You can view the code for 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_task_bench.m')) pctdemo_task_bench> 
% and <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_taskfin_bench.m')) pctdemo_taskfin_bench> 
% for the details.
job = createJob(myCluster);
for i = 1:numTasks
    task = createTask(job, @pctdemo_task_bench, 1, {count});
    set(task, 'FinishedFcn', @pctdemo_taskfin_bench, ...
              'UserData', fig); 
% We can now submit the job and wait for it to finish.

%% Retrieve the Results
% As the tasks finish, the task finished callback function collects the task
% results and updates the output figure.  Therefore, we do not need to perform
% any plotting here, and we simply verify that we obtained all the results we
% were expecting.  |fetchOutputs| will throw an error if the tasks did not
% complete successfully, in which case we need to delete the job before
% throwing the error.
    [~] = fetchOutputs(job);
catch err

% We have now finished all the verifications, so we can delete the job.