www.gusucode.com > distcomp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > distcomp/paralleldemo_blackjack_seq2.m

    %% Sequential Blackjack
% This example plays the card game of blackjack, also known as 21.  We simulate 
% a number of players that are independently playing thousands of hands at a 
% time, and display payoff statistics.  Simulating the playing of blackjack is 
% representative of Monte Carlo analysis of financial instruments.  The 
% simulation can be done completely in parallel, except for the data collection 
% at the end.
% For details about the computations, 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_setup_blackjack.m')) 
% view the code for pctdemo_setup_blackjack>.
% Prerequisites:
% * <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex53988799
% Customizing the Settings for the Examples in the Parallel Computing Toolbox(TM)> 
% Related examples:
% * <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex09145844 Distributed Blackjack> 

%   Copyright 2007-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load the Example Settings and the Data
% We start by getting the example difficulty level.  If you want to use a
% different example difficulty level, use |paralleldemoconfig| and then run this
% example again.  See <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex53988799 
% Customizing the Settings for the Examples in the Parallel Computing Toolbox>
% for full details.
difficulty = pctdemo_helper_getDefaults();
% We get the number of players and the number of hands each player plays from
% |pctdemo_setup_blackjack|.  The |difficulty| parameter controls the number of
% players that we simulate.  
% You can 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_setup_blackjack.m')) view the code for pctdemo_setup_blackjack> 
% for full details.
[fig, numHands, numPlayers] = pctdemo_setup_blackjack(difficulty);

%% Run the Simulation
% We use |pctdemo_task_blackjack| to simulate a single player who plays
% |numHands| hands, and we call that function |numPlayers| times to simulate all
% the players.  Because the separate invocations of the function are
% independent one of another, we can easily use the Parallel Computing
% Toolbox to perform these simulations.
% You can 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_task_blackjack.m')) view the code for pctdemo_task_blackjack> 
% for full details.
startTime = clock;
S = zeros(numHands, numPlayers); % Preallocate for the results.
for i = 1:numPlayers
    S(:, i) = pctdemo_task_blackjack(numHands, 1);

%% Measure the Elapsed Time
% The time used for the sequential simulations should be compared
% against the time it takes to perform the same set of calculations
% using the Parallel Computing Toolbox in the
% <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex09145844 Distributed Blackjack> example.
% The elapsed time varies with the underlying hardware.
elapsedTime = etime(clock, startTime);
fprintf('Elapsed time is %2.1f seconds\n', elapsedTime);

%% Plot the Results
% We display the expected fraction of the bet that is won or
% lost in each hand, along with the confidence interval.  We also show 
% the evolution of the winnings and losses of each of the players we simulate. 
% You can 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'pctdemo_plot_blackjack.m')) view the code for pctdemo_plot_blackjack> 
% for full details.
pctdemo_plot_blackjack(fig, S);