www.gusucode.com > distcomp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > distcomp/paralleldemo_gpu_mexstencil.m

    %% Accessing Advanced CUDA Features Using MEX
% This example demonstrates how advanced features of the GPU can be
% accessed using MEX files. It builds on the example
% <docid:distcomp_examples.example-ex11684379 Stencil Operations on a GPU>. The previous
% example uses Conway's "Game of Life" to demonstrate how stencil
% operations can be performed using MATLAB(R) code that runs on a GPU. The
% present example demonstrates how you can further improve the performance
% of stencil operations using two advanced features of the GPU: shared
% memory and texture memory. You do this by writing your own CUDA code in a
% MEX file and calling the MEX file from MATLAB. You can find an
% introduction to the use of the GPU in MEX files in the
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'distcomp','distcomp.map'),'EXECUTE_MEX_CUDA')
% documentation.>
% As defined in the previous example, in a "stencil operation", each
% element of the output array depends on a small region of the input array.
% Examples include finite differences, convolution, median filtering, and
% finite-element methods. If we assume that the stencil operation is a key
% part of our work-flow, we could take the time to convert it to a
% hand-written CUDA kernel in the hope of getting maximum benefit from the
% GPU. This example uses Conway's "Game of Life" as our stencil
% operation, and moves the calculation into a MEX file.
% The "Game of Life" follows a few simple rules:
% * Cells are arranged in a 2D grid
% * At each step, the fate of each cell is determined by the vitality of
% its eight nearest neighbors
% * Any cell with exactly three live neighbors comes to life at the next
% step
% * A live cell with exactly two live neighbors remains alive at the next
% step
% * All other cells (including those with more than three neighbors) die
% at the next step or remain empty
% The "stencil" in this case is therefore the 3x3 region around each
% element. For more details, <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'distcomp', 'paralleldemo_gpu_stencil.m'))
% view the code for paralleldemo_gpu_stencil>.

% Copyright 2010-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
% This example is a function to allow us to use sub-functions:
function paralleldemo_gpu_mexstencil()

%% Generate a random initial population
% An initial population of cells is created on a 2D grid with approximately
% 25% of the locations alive.
    gridSize = 500;
    numGenerations = 100;
    initialGrid = (rand(gridSize,gridSize) > .75);

    hold off
    colormap([1 1 1;0 0.5 0]);
    title('Initial Grid');

%% Create a baseline GPU version in MATLAB
% To get a performance baseline, we start with the initial implementation
% described in
% <http://www.mathworks.com/moler/exm/chapters/life.pdf _Experiments in MATLAB_>.
% This version can run on the GPU by simply making sure the initial
% population is on the GPU using <matlab:doc('gpuArray') |gpuArray|>.
function X = updateGrid(X, N)
    p = [1 1:N-1];
    q = [2:N N];
    % Count how many of the eight neighbors are alive.
    neighbors = X(:,p) + X(:,q) + X(p,:) + X(q,:) + ...
        X(p,p) + X(q,q) + X(p,q) + X(q,p);
    % A live cell with two live neighbors, or any cell with
    % three live neighbors, is alive at the next step.
    X = (X & (neighbors == 2)) | (neighbors == 3);

currentGrid = gpuArray(initialGrid);
% Loop through each generation updating the grid and displaying it
for generation = 1:numGenerations
    currentGrid = updateGrid(currentGrid, gridSize);


% Now re-run the game and measure how long it takes for each generation.

% This function defines the outer loop that calls each generation, without
% doing the display.
function grid=callUpdateGrid(grid, gridSize, N)
    for gen = 1:N
        grid = updateGrid(grid, gridSize);

gpuInitialGrid = gpuArray(initialGrid);

% Retain this result to verify the correctness of each version below.
expectedResult = callUpdateGrid(gpuInitialGrid, gridSize, numGenerations);

gpuBuiltinsTime = gputimeit(@() callUpdateGrid(gpuInitialGrid, ...
                                               gridSize, numGenerations));

fprintf('Average time on the GPU: %2.3fms per generation \n', ...

%% Create a MEX version that uses shared memory
% When writing a CUDA kernel version of the stencil operation, we have to
% split the input data into blocks on which each thread block can operate.
% Each thread in the block will be reading data that is also needed by
% other threads in the block. One way to minimize the number of read
% operations is to copy the required input data into shared memory before
% processing. This copy must include some neighboring elements to allow
% correct calculation of the block edges. For the Game of Life, where our
% stencil is just a 3x3 square of elements, we need a one element boundary.
% For example, for a 9x9 grid processed using 3x3 blocks, the fifth block
% would operate on the highlighted region, where the yellow elements are
% the "halo" it must also read.
% <<../paralleldemo_gpu_stencil_blocks.png>>
% We have put the CUDA code that illustrates this approach into the file
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','distcomp','pctdemos','mexsrc','pctdemo_life_cuda_shmem.cu'))
% |pctdemo_life_cuda_shmem.cu|>. The CUDA device function in this file
% operates as follows:
% # All threads copy the relevant part of the input grid into shared
% memory, including the halo.
% # The threads synchronize with one another to ensure shared memory is
% ready.
% # Threads that fit in the output grid perform the Game of Life
% calculation.
% The host code in this file invokes the CUDA device function once for each
% generation, using the CUDA runtime API. It uses two different writable
% buffers for the input and output. At every iteration, the MEX-file swaps
% the input and output pointers so that no copying is required.
% In order to call the function from MATLAB, we need a MEX gateway that
% unwraps the input arrays from MATLAB, builds a workspace on the GPU, and
% returns the output. The MEX gateway function can be found in the file
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','distcomp','pctdemos','mexsrc','pctdemo_life_mex_shmem.cpp'))
% |pctdemo_life_mex_shmem.cpp|>.
% Before we can call the MEX-file, we must compile it using |mexcuda|,
% which requires installing the |nvcc| compiler. You can compile these two
% files into a single MEX function using a command like
%    mexcuda -output pctdemo_life_mex_shmem ...
%           pctdemo_life_cuda_shmem.cu pctdemo_life_mex_shmem.cpp
% which will produce a MEX file named |pctdemo_life_mex_shmem|.

% Calculate the output value using the MEX file with shared memory. The
% initial input value is copied to the GPU inside the MEX file.
grid = pctdemo_life_mex_shmem(initialGrid, numGenerations);
gpuMexTime = gputimeit(@()pctdemo_life_mex_shmem(initialGrid, ...
% Print out the average computation time and check the result is unchanged.
fprintf('Average time of %2.3fms per generation (%1.1fx faster).\n', ...
        1000*gpuMexTime/numGenerations, gpuBuiltinsTime/gpuMexTime);
assert(isequal(grid, expectedResult));

%% Create a MEX version that uses texture memory
% A second way to deal with the issue of repeated read operations is to use
% the GPU's texture memory. Texture accesses are cached in a way that
% attempts to provide good performance when several threads access
% overlapping 2-D data. This is exactly the access pattern that we have in
% a stencil operation.
% There are two CUDA APIs that can be used to read texture memory. We
% choose to use the CUDA texture reference API, which is supported on all
% CUDA devices. The maximum number of elements that can be in an array
% bound to a texture is $2^{27}$, so the texture approach will not work if
% the input has more elements.
% The CUDA code that illustrates this approach is in
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','distcomp','pctdemos','mexsrc','pctdemo_life_cuda_texture.cu'))
% |pctdemo_life_cuda_texture.cu|>. As in the previous version, this file
% contains both host code and device code. Three features of this file
% enable the use of texture memory in the device function.
% # The texture variable is declared at the top of the MEX-file.
% # The CUDA device function fetches the input from the texture reference.
% # The MEX-file binds the texture reference to the input buffer.
% In this file, the CUDA device function is simpler than before. It only
% needs to perform the Game of Life calculations. There is no need to copy
% into shared memory or to synchronize the threads.
% As in the shared-memory version, the host code invokes the CUDA device
% function once for each generation, using the CUDA runtime API. It again
% uses two writable buffers for the input and output and swaps their
% pointers at every iteration. Before each call to the device function, it
% binds the texture reference to the appropriate buffer. After the device
% function has executed, it unbinds the texture reference.
% There is a MEX gateway file for this version,
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','distcomp','pctdemos','mexsrc','pctdemo_life_mex_texture.cpp'))
% |pctdemo_life_mex_texture.cpp|> that takes care of the input and output
% arrays and of workspace allocation. These files can be built into a
% single MEX file using a command like the following.
%    mexcuda -output pctdemo_life_mex_texture ...
%           pctdemo_life_cuda_texture.cu pctdemo_life_mex_texture.cpp

% Calculate the output value using the MEX file with textures.
grid = pctdemo_life_mex_texture(initialGrid, numGenerations);
gpuTexMexTime = gputimeit(@()pctdemo_life_mex_texture(initialGrid, ...
% Print out the average computation time and check the result is unchanged.
fprintf('Average time of %2.3fms per generation (%1.1fx faster).\n', ...
        1000*gpuTexMexTime/numGenerations, gpuBuiltinsTime/gpuTexMexTime);
assert(isequal(grid, expectedResult));

%% Conclusions
% In this example, we have illustrated two different ways to deal with
% copying inputs for stencil operations: explicitly copy blocks into shared
% memory, or take advantage of the GPU's texture cache. The best approach
% will depend on the size of the stencil, the size of the overlap region,
% and the hardware generation of your GPU. The important point is that you
% can use each of these approaches in conjunction with your MATLAB code to
% optimize your application.

fprintf('First version using gpuArray:  %2.3fms per generation.\n', ...
fprintf(['MEX with shared memory: %2.3fms per generation ',...
         '(%1.1fx faster).\n'], 1000*gpuMexTime/numGenerations, ...
fprintf(['MEX with texture memory: %2.3fms per generation '...
         '(%1.1fx faster).\n']', 1000*gpuTexMexTime/numGenerations, ...
