www.gusucode.com > distcomp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > distcomp/pctdemo_helper_split_scalar.m

    function [integerPerTask, numTasks] = pctdemo_helper_split_scalar(intVal, numTasks)
%PCTDEMO_HELPER_SPLIT_SCALAR Divides a non-negative integer into a sum of  
%smaller non-negative integers.
%   [integerPerTask, numTasks] = PCTDEMO_HELPER_SPLIT_SCALAR(intVal, numTasks)
%   assigns a vector of length min(numTasks, intVal) to integerPerTask.  
%   The sum of that vector is intVal.
%   The value of numTasks returned equals min(numTasks, numIntVal).
%   The input arguments must be integers greater than or equal to zero.  If  
%   intVal is greater than zero, numTasks must be greater than zero.
%   The function is useful when dividing a Monte-Carlo simulation that is
%   repeated intVal times into numTasks tasks.  In that case, task i should
%   perform integerPerTask(i) simulations.

%   Copyright 2007-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.
    % Validate the input arguments.
    narginchk(2, 2);
    tc = pTypeChecker();
    if ~(tc.isIntegerScalar(intVal, 0, Inf) ...
        && tc.isIntegerScalar(numTasks, 0, Inf))
        error('pctexample:splitscalar:SplitScalarInputsMustBePositive', ...
              'Input arguments must be non-negative integers');
    if (intVal > 0 && numTasks == 0)
        error('pctexample:splitscalar:SplitScalarInvalidNumTasks', ...
              ['Number of tasks must be greater than 0 if the scalar is '...
               'greater than 0']);
    % Input arguments have been validated.
    if (intVal < numTasks)
        numTasks = intVal;
    if (intVal == 0)
        integerPerTask = [];
    % At this point, both intVal and numTasks are strictly positive integers.
    split = fix(intVal / numTasks);
    remainder = intVal - numTasks * split;
    integerPerTask = zeros(numTasks, 1);
    integerPerTask(:) = split;
    integerPerTask(1:remainder) = integerPerTask(1:remainder) + 1;

end % End of pctdemo_helper_split_scalar