www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/ExploringTheLatencyOfTheHDLFFTObjectExample.m

    %% Exploring the Latency of the HDLFFT Object
% Create a new HDLFFT object and request the latency. 
hdlfft = dsp.HDLFFT('FFTLength',512);
L512 = getLatency(hdlfft)
% Request hypothetical latency information about a similar object with a
% different FFT Length. The properties of the original object do not
% change.
L256 = getLatency(hdlfft,256)
N = hdlfft.FFTLength
% Request hypothetical latency information of a similar object that accepts 
% 8-sample vector input. 
L256v8 = getLatency(hdlfft,256,8)
% Setting Normalize to true does not change the latency. 
hdlfft.Normalize = true;
L512n = getLatency(hdlfft)
% Setting BitReversedOutput to false increases the latency because the
% object must collect the output before reordering. 
hdlfft.BitReversedOutput = false;
L512r = getLatency(hdlfft)