www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/FindIndicesOfNearestCodewordsExample.m

    %% Find Indices of Nearest Codewords
% *Note*: This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an
% earlier release, replace each call to the function with the equivalent
% |step| syntax. For example, myObject(x) becomes step(myObject,x).

% Find the indices of nearest codewords based on Euclidean distances.
hvqenc = dsp.VectorQuantizerEncoder(...
    'Codebook', [-1 -1 1 1;1 -1 -1 1], ...
    'CodewordOutputPort', true, ...
    'QuantizationErrorOutputPort', true, ...
    'OutputIndexDataType', 'uint8');
% Generate an input signal with some additive noise
x = sign(rand(2,40)-0.5) + 0.1*randn(2,40);
[ind, cw, err] = hvqenc(x);
plot(cw(1,:), cw(2,:), 'rO', x(1,:), x(2,:), 'g.');
legend('Quantized', 'Inputs', 'location', 'best');