www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/HDLCodeGenerationFromHDLFIRRateConverterExample.m

    %% Design for HDL Code Generation from HDL FIR Rate Converter
% Create a rate conversion function targeted for HDL code generation, and a
% test bench to exercise it. The function converts a signal from 40 MHz to 
% 100 MHz. To avoid overrunning the object, the test bench manually controls 
% the input rate. 
% Define the sample rate and length of the input signal, and a fixed-point 
% cosine waveform.
Fs = 40e6;                                  
Ns = 50;                                    
t = (0:Ns-1).'/Fs;                          
x = fi(cos(2*pi*1.2e6*t), 1, 16, 14);       
% Define the rate conversion parameters. Use an interpolation factor of 5 
% and a decimation factor of 2. Calculate how often the object can accept a
% new data sample. 
L = 5;                                               
M = 2;                                               
stepsPerInput = ceil(L/M);
numSteps = stepsPerInput*Ns;
% Generate |dataIn| and |validIn| based on how often the object can accept 
% a new sample.
dataIn = zeros(numSteps,1,'like',x);
dataIn(1:stepsPerInput:end) = x;
validIn = false(numSteps,1);
validIn(1:stepsPerInput:end) = true;
% Create a *Logic Analyzer* to capture and view the input and output
% signals.
la = dsp.LogicAnalyzer('NumInputPorts',4,'SampleTime',1/Fs,'TimeSpan',numSteps/Fs);
% Write a function that instantiates the System object and calls |step|. 
% <include>HDLFIRRC5_2.m</include> 
% Resample the signal by calling the function for each data sample.
for k = 1:numSteps
    [dataOut,validOut] = HDLFIRRC5_2(dataIn(k),validIn(k));    
    step(la, dataIn(k), validIn(k), dataOut, validOut)    