www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/HDLFIRRateConverterInterp5PortExample.m

    %% Control Input Rate When Upsampling 
% Convert a signal from 40 MHz to 100 MHz using the HDL FIR Rate Converter System
% object(TM). Use the optional |ready| output signal to avoid overrunning the 
% object as the data is upsampled. The |ready| signal indicates the object can
% accept a new data sample on the next call to the |step| method. 
% Define the sample rate and length of the input signal, and a fixed-point 
% cosine waveform. Create a |SignalSource| object to provide data samples
% on demand. 
Fs = 40e6;                                  
Ns = 50;                                    
t = (0:Ns-1).'/Fs;                          
x = fi(cos(2*pi*1.2e6*t),1,16,14);          
inputSource = dsp.SignalSource(x);          
% Define the rate conversion parameters. Use an interpolation factor of 5 and 
% a decimation factor of 2. Determine the number of calls to the |step| method 
% needed to convert _Ns_ samples.  
L = 5;                                      
M = 2;                                      
numSteps = floor(Ns*L/M);
% Create the System object and configure it to perform rate conversion
% using the desired factors and an equiripple FIR filter. Enable the
% optional |ready| output port.
Numerator = firpm(70, [0,.15,.25,1], [1,1,0,0]);     
rateConverter = dsp.HDLFIRRateConverter(L,M,Numerator,'ReadyPort',true); 
% Create a *Logic Analyzer* to capture and view the input and output signals.
la = dsp.LogicAnalyzer('NumInputPorts',5,'SampleTime',1/Fs,'TimeSpan',numSteps/Fs);
% Initialize the |ready| signal. The object is always ready for input data on 
% the first call to the |step| method.
ready = true;
% Execute the |step| method of the System object to perform the rate
% conversion and obtain each output sample. Apply a new input sample when 
% the object indicates it is ready. Otherwise, set |validIn| to |false|.
for k = 1:numSteps
    if ready
        dataIn = step(inputSource);
    validIn = ready;
    [dataOut,validOut,ready] = step(rateConverter,dataIn,validIn);