www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/IIRTwoChannelFilterBankExample.m

    %% Two-Channel Filter Bank
% Use a halfband decimator and interpolator to implement a two-channel
% filter bank. This example uses an audio file input and shows that the
% power spectrum of the filter bank output does not differ significantly
% from the input.

% *Note*: This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an 
% earlier release, replace each call to the function with the equivalent 
% |step| syntax. For example, myObject(x) becomes step(myObject,x).

% Set up the audio file reader and audio device writer. Construct the IIR halfband
% decimator and interpolator. Finally, set up the spectrum analyzer to
% display the power spectra of the filter-bank input and output.

AF = dsp.AudioFileReader('speech_dft.mp3','SamplesPerFrame',1024);
AP = audioDeviceWriter('SampleRate',AF.SampleRate);

filterspec = 'Filter order and transition width';
Order = 51;
TW = 2000;

IIRHalfbandDecim = dsp.IIRHalfbandDecimator(...

IIRHalfbandInterp = dsp.IIRHalfbandInterpolator(...

SpecAna = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate',AF.SampleRate,...
    'ChannelNames',{'Input signal','Filtered output signal'});
% Read the audio 1024 samples at a time. Filter the input to obtain the
% lowpass and highpass subband signals decimated by a factor of two. This
% is the analysis filter bank. Use the halfband interpolator as the
% synthesis filter bank. Display the running power spectrum of the audio
% input and the output of the synthesis filter bank. Play the output.

while ~isDone(AF)
    audioInput = AF();
    [xlo,xhigh] = IIRHalfbandDecim(audioInput);
    audioOutput = IIRHalfbandInterp(xlo,xhigh);
    spectrumInput = [audioInput audioOutput];
