www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/ImpulseAndFrequencyResponseOfFIRLowpassFilterExample.m

    %% Impulse and Frequency Response of FIR and IIR Lowpass Filters
% Create a minimum order FIR lowpass filter for data sampled at 44.1 kHz. 
% Specify a passband frequency of 8 kHz, a stopband frequency of 12 kHz,
% a passband ripple of 0.1 dB, and a stopband attenuation of 80 dB.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

Fs = 44.1e3; 
filtertype = 'FIR';
Fpass = 8e3;
Fstop = 12e3; 
Rp = 0.1;
Astop = 80;
FIRLPF = dsp.LowpassFilter('SampleRate',Fs,...
% Design a minimum order IIR lowpass filter with the same properties as the
% FIR lowpass filter. 
% Use |clone| to create a system object with the same properties as the
% FIR lowpass filter. Change the |FilterType| property of the cloned filter to |IIR|.
IIRLPF.FilterType = 'IIR';

% Plot the impulse response of the FIR lowpass filter. The zeroth order 
% coefficient is delayed by 19 samples, which is equal to the group delay 
% of the filter. The FIR lowpass filter is a causal FIR filter.

% Plot the impulse response of the IIR lowpass filter.  
% Plot the magnitude and phase response of the FIR lowpass filter.

% Plot the magnitude and phase response of the IIR lowpass filter.

% Calculate the cost of implementing the FIR lowpass filter.

% Calculate the cost of implementing the IIR lowpass filter. The IIR 
% filter is more efficient to implement than its FIR counterpart. 

% Calculate the group delay of the FIR lowpass filter.

% Calculate the group delay of the IIR lowpass filter. The FIR filter has a constant 
% group delay (linear phase), while its IIR counterpart does not.