www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/IntroductionToStreamingSignalProcessingExample.m

    %% Introduction to Streaming Signal Processing in MATLAB
% This example shows how to use System objects to do streaming signal 
% processing in MATLAB. The signals are read in and processed frame by 
% frame (or block by block) in each processing loop. You can control the 
% size of each frame.
% In this example, frames of 1024 samples are filtered using a notch-peak
% filter in each processing loop. The input is a sine wave signal that is 
% streamed frame by frame from a |dsp.SineWave| object. The filter is a
% notch-peak filter created using a |dsp.NotchPeakFilter| object. To ensure 
% smooth processing as each frame is filtered, the System objects maintain 
% the state of the filter from one frame to the next automatically.
%% Initialize Streaming Components
% Initialize the sine wave source to generate the sine wave, the notch-peak 
% filter to filter the sine wave, and the spectrum analyer to show the 
% filtered signal. The input sine wave has two frequencies: one at 100 Hz, 
% and the other at 1000 Hz. Create two |dsp.SineWave| objects, one to 
% generate the 100 Hz sine wave, and the other to generate the 1000 Hz 
% sine wave.
Fs = 2500;
Sineobject1 = dsp.SineWave('SamplesPerFrame',1024,...
Sineobject2 = dsp.SineWave('SamplesPerFrame',1024,...

SA = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate',Fs,'NumInputPorts',2,...

%% Create Notch-Peak Filter
% Create a second-order IIR notch-peak filter to filter the 
% sine wave signal. The filter has a notch at 750 Hz and a Q-factor of 35.
% A higher Q-factor results in a narrower 3-dB bandwidth of the notch. 
% If you tune the filter parameters during streaming, you can see the effect
% immediately in the spectrum analyzer output.

Wo = 750; 
Q  = 35;
BW = Wo/Q;
NotchFilter = dsp.NotchPeakFilter('Bandwidth',BW,...
    'CenterFrequency',Wo, 'SampleRate',Fs);
%% Stream In and Process Signal
% Construct a for-loop to run for 3000 iterations. In each iteration, 
% stream in 1024 samples (one frame) of the sinewave and apply a notch 
% filter on each frame of the input signal. 
% To generate the input signal, add the two sine waves. 
% The resultant signal is a sine wave with two frequencies: one at 100 Hz
% and the other at 1000 Hz.
% The notch of the filter is tuned to a frequency of 100, 500, 750, or 
% 1000 Hz, based on the value of |VecIndex|. The filter
% bandwidth changes accordingly. When the filter parameters change during
% streaming, the output in the spectrum analyzer gets updated accordingly.
FreqVec = [100 500 750 1000];
VecIndex = 1;
VecElem = FreqVec(VecIndex);
for Iter = 1:3000
    Sinewave1 = Sineobject1();
    Sinewave2 = Sineobject2();
    Input = Sinewave1 + Sinewave2;
    if (mod(Iter,350)==0)
        if VecIndex < 4 
            VecIndex = VecIndex+1;
            VecIndex = 1;
        VecElem = FreqVec(VecIndex); 
    NotchFilter.CenterFrequency = VecElem;
    NotchFilter.Bandwidth = NotchFilter.CenterFrequency/Q;
    Output = NotchFilter(Input);
% At the end of the processing loop, the |CenterFrequency| is at 100 Hz. 
% In the filter output, the 100 Hz frequency is completely nulled out by 
% the notch filter, while the frequency at 1000 Hz is unaffected.