www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/PolyphaseMatrixOfAnFIRInterpolatorExample.m

    %% Polyphase Matrix of an FIR Interpolator
% When you create a multirate filter that uses polyphase decomposition, 
% polyphase lets you analyze the component filters individually by returning 
% the components as rows in a matrix.
% First, create an interpolate-by-three filter.
hs = dsp.FIRInterpolator

% In this syntax, the matrix |p| contains all of the
% subfilters for |hm|, one filter per matrix row.
p = polyphase(hs)

% Finally, using |polyphase| without an output argument
% opens the Filter Visualization Tool, ready for you to use the analysis
% capabilities of the tool to investigate the interpolator |hm|.

% The fvtool shows the coefficients of the subfilters. To see the magnitude
% response of the subfilters, click on the |Magnitude Response| button on
% the fvtool toolstrip.