www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/ResampleASignalUsingFIRRateConverterExample.m

    %% Resample a Signal using FIR Rate Converter
% This example shows how to resample a 100 Hz sine wave signal by a factor 
% of 3:2
% *Note*: This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an 
% earlier release, replace each call to the function with the equivalent 
% |step| syntax. For example, myObject(x) becomes step(myObject,x).

hsin = dsp.SineWave(1, 100,'SampleRate', 5000,'SamplesPerFrame', 50);

% Create a FIR rate converter filter. The default interpolation
% factor is 3 and decimation factor is 2.
hfirrc = dsp.FIRRateConverter; 
input = hsin();
output = hfirrc(input);

% Plot the original and resampled signals.
ndelay = round(length(hfirrc.Numerator)/2/hfirrc.DecimationFactor);
indx = ndelay+1:length(output);
x = (0:length(indx)-1)/hsin.SampleRate*hfirrc.DecimationFactor/hfirrc.InterpolationFactor;
stem((0:38)/hsin.SampleRate, input(1:39)); hold on;
stem(x, hfirrc.InterpolationFactor*output(indx),'r');