www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/ResampleAndPlayAnAudioSignalExample.m

    %% Resample and Play an Audio Signal
% This example shows how to resample and play an audio signal from 48 kHz
% to 32 kHz on a Windows(R) platform.
hmfr = dsp.AudioFileReader('audio48kHz.wav', ...
    'OutputDataType', 'single', ...
    'SamplesPerFrame', 300);
hap = audioDeviceWriter(32000);

% Create an FIRRateConverter System object with interpolation
% factor = 2, decimation factor = 3. Default FIR filter
% coefficients define a lowpass filter with normalized
% cutoff frequency of 1/3.
hfirrc = dsp.FIRRateConverter(2,3);

while ~isDone(hmfr)
    audio1 = step(hmfr);
    audio2 = step(hfirrc, audio1);
    step(hap, audio2);
