www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/ResetAnIIRHalfbandInterpolatorExample.m

    %% Reset an IIR Halfband Interpolator
% Create an IIR halfband interpolator with default properties.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

IIRHalfbandInterp = dsp.IIRHalfbandInterpolator;

% Create a two-channel random signal. Apply the |step| method twice 
% on the signal.

x = randn(10,2);

y1 = step(IIRHalfbandInterp,x);
y2 = step(IIRHalfbandInterp,x);

no = all(y2==y1)

% The output is different because the internal states of |IIRHalfbandInterp| 
% have changed. Use |reset| to reset the IIR halfband interpolator and apply 
% |step| again.
% Verify that the output is unchanged.


y3 = step(IIRHalfbandInterp,x);

yes = all(y3==y1)