www.gusucode.com > dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > dsp/SignalVisualizationAndMeasurementsInMATLABExample.m

    %% Signal Visualization and Measurements in MATLAB
% This example shows how to visualize and measure signals in the time and
% frequency domain in MATLAB using a time scope and spectrum analyzer.

%% Signal Visualization in Time and Frequency Domains
% Create a sine wave with a frequency of 100 Hz sampled at 1000 Hz.
% Generate five seconds of the 100 Hz sine wave with additive $N(0,0.0025)$
% white noise in one-second intervals. Send the signal to a time scope and
% spectrum analyzer for display and measurement.

SampPerFrame = 1000;
Fs = 1000;
SW = dsp.SineWave('Frequency', 100, ...
  'SampleRate', Fs, 'SamplesPerFrame', SampPerFrame);
TS = dsp.TimeScope('SampleRate', Fs, 'TimeSpan', 0.1, ...
    'YLimits', [-2, 2], 'ShowGrid', true);
SA = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate', Fs);
while toc < 5
  sigData = SW() + 0.05*randn(SampPerFrame,1);

%% Time-Domain Measurements
% Using the time scope, you can make a number of signal measurements.
% The following measurements are available:
% * *Cursor Measurements* - puts screen cursors on all scope displays.
% * *Signal Statistics* - displays maximum, minimum, peak-to-peak
% difference, mean, median, RMS values of a selected signal, and the times
% at which the maximum and minimum occur.
% * *Bilevel Measurements* - displays information about a selected signal's
% transitions, overshoots or undershoots, and cycles.
% * *Peak Finder* - displays maxima and the times at which they occur.
% You can enable and disable these measurements from the time scope toolbar
% or from the *Tools > Measurements* menu.
% <<../TS_measurementbuttons.png>>
% <<../TS_measurementmenu.png>>
% To illustrate the use of measurements in the time scope, simulate an ECG
% signal. Use the |ecg| function to generate 2700
% samples of the signal. Use a Savitzky-Golay filter to smooth the
% signal and periodically extend the data to obtain approximately 11
% periods.
x = 3.5*ecg(2700).';
y = repmat(sgolayfilt(x,0,21),[1 13]);
sigData = y((1:30000) + round(2700*rand(1))).';
% Display the signal in the time scope and use the Peak Finder, Cursor and
% Signal Statistics measurements. Assume a sample rate of 4 kHz.
TS_ECG = dsp.TimeScope('SampleRate', 4000, ...
    'TimeSpanSource', 'Auto', 'ShowGrid', true);
TS_ECG.YLimits = [-4, 4];

% *Peak Measurements*
% Enable *Peak Measurements* by clicking the corresponding toolbar icon or
% by clicking the *Tools > Measurements > Peak Finder* menu item. Click
% *Settings* in the Peak Finder panel to expand the Settings pane. Enter
% |10| for *Max Num of Peaks* and press Enter. The time scope
% displays in the Peaks pane a list of 10 peak amplitude values and the
% times at which they occur.
% <<../TS_PeakFinder.png>>
% There is a constant time difference of 0.675 seconds between each
% heartbeat. Therefore, the heart rate of the ECG signal is given by the
% following equation:
% $$\frac{60\,{\rm sec/min}}{0.675\,{\rm sec/beat}} =
% 88.89\,{\rm beats/min\,(bpm)}$$
% *Cursor Measurements* 
% Enable *Cursor Measurements* by clicking the corresponding toolbar icon
% or by clicking the *Tools > Measurements > Cursor Measurements* menu
% item. The Cursor Measurements panel opens and displays two cursors in the
% time scope. You can drag the cursors and use them to measure the time
% between events in the waveform. In the following figure, cursors are used
% to measure the time interval between peaks in the ECG waveform. The
% $\Delta T$ measurement in the Cursor Measurements panel demonstrates that
% the time interval between the two peaks is 0.675 seconds corresponding to
% a heart rate of 1.482 Hz or 88.9 beats/min.
% <<../TS_Cursors.png>>
% *Signal Statistics* and *Bilevel Measurements*
% You can also select *Signal Statistics* and *Bilevel Measurements*  from
% the *Tools > Measurements* menu.  Signal Statistics can be used to
% determine the signal's minimum and maximum values as well as other
% metrics like the peak-to-peak, mean, median, and RMS values. Bilevel
% Measurements can be used to determine information about rising and
% falling transitions, transition aberrations, overshoot and undershoot
% information, pulse width, and duty cycle. To read more about these
% measurements, see the <../examples/time-scope-measurements.html Time
% Scope Measurements> tutorial example.

%% Frequency-Domain Measurements
% This section explains how to make frequency domain measurements with the
% spectrum analyzer.
% The spectrum analyzer provides the following measurements:
% * *Cursor Measurements* - places cursors on the spectrum display.
% * *Peak Finder* - displays maxima and the frequencies at which they
% occur.
% * *Channel Measurements* - displays occupied bandwidth and ACPR channel
% measurements.
% * *Distortion Measurements* - displays harmonic and intermodulation
% distortion measurements.
% * *CCDF Measurements* - displays complimentary cumulative distribution
% function measurements.
% You can enable and disable these measurements from the spectrum analyzer
% toolbar or from the *Tools > Measurements* menu.
% <<../SA_MeasurementButtons.png>>
% <<../SA_MeasurementMenu.png>>
% *Distortion Measurements*
% To illustrate the use of measurements with the spectrum analyzer, create
% a 2.5 kHz sine wave sampled at 48 kHz with additive white Gaussian noise.
% Evaluate a high-order polynomial (9th degree) at each signal value to
% model non-linear distortion.
% Display the signal in a spectrum analyzer.
Fs = 48e3;
SW = dsp.SineWave('Frequency', 2500, ...
  'SampleRate', Fs, 'SamplesPerFrame', SampPerFrame);
SA_Distortion = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate', Fs, ...
    'PlotAsTwoSidedSpectrum', false);
y = [1e-6 1e-9 1e-5 1e-9 1e-6 5e-8 0.5e-3 1e-6 1 3e-3];
while toc < 5
  x = SW() + 1e-8*randn(SampPerFrame,1);
  sigData = polyval(y, x);
clear SA_Distortion;

% Enable the harmonic distortion measurements by clicking the
% corresponding icon in the toolbar or by clicking the *Tools >
% Measurements > Distortion Measurements* menu item. In the Distortion
% Measurements, change the value for *Num. Harmonics* to 9 and
% check the *Label Harmonics* checkbox. In the panel, you see the
% value of the fundamental close to 2500 Hz and 8 harmonics as well as
% their SNR, SINAD, THD and SFDR values, which are referenced with respect
% to the fundamental output power. 
% <<../SA_DistortionMeasurements.png>>
% *Peak Finder*
% You can track time-varying spectral components by using the Peak Finder
% measurement dialog. You can show and optionally label up to 100 peaks.
% You can invoke the Peak Finder dialog from the *Tools > Measurements >
% Peak Finder* menu item, or by clicking the corresponding icon in the
% toolbar. 
% To illustrate the use of *Peak Finder*, create a signal consisting of the sum
% of three sine waves with frequencies of 5, 15, and 25 kHz and amplitudes
% of 1, 0.1, and 0.01 respectively. The data is sampled at 100 kHz. Add
% $N(0,10^{-8})$ white Gaussian noise to the sum of sine waves and display
% the one-sided power spectrum in the spectrum analyzer. 

Fs = 100e3;
SW1 = dsp.SineWave(1e0,   5e3, 0, 'SampleRate', Fs, 'SamplesPerFrame', SampPerFrame);
SW2 = dsp.SineWave(1e-1, 15e3, 0, 'SampleRate', Fs, 'SamplesPerFrame', SampPerFrame);
SW3 = dsp.SineWave(1e-2, 25e3, 0, 'SampleRate', Fs, 'SamplesPerFrame', SampPerFrame);
SA_Peak = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate', Fs, 'PlotAsTwoSidedSpectrum', false);
while toc < 5
    sigData = SW1() + SW2() + SW3() + 1e-4*randn(SampPerFrame,1);
clear SA_Peak;

% Enable the *Peak Finder* to label the three sine wave frequencies. The
% frequency values and powers in dBm are displayed in the *Peak Finder*
% panel. You can increase or decrease the maximum number of peaks, specify
% a minimum peak distance, and change other settings from the *Settings*
% pane in the Peak Finder Measurement panel.
% <<../SA_PeakFinder.png>>
% To learn more about the use of measurements with the spectrum analyzer,
% see the <../examples/spectrum-analyzer-measurements.html Spectrum
% Analyzer Measurements> example.