www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/CodeExecutionProfilingWithSILAndPILExample.m

    %% Code Execution Profiling Using SIL and PIL Simulations
% Produce execution-time metrics for tasks and functions in generated code by 
% using software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) simulations.
% Use the code execution report or Simulation Data Inspector to analyze execution
% times.
% Copyright 2007-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Top-Model Simulation
% Run a SIL or PIL simulation to produce execution time metrics
% for the code generated from the top model:
% * You configure the model to load test vectors or stimulus inputs from
% the MATLAB(R) workspace.
% * You can the top model in SIL or PIL
% simulation modes.
% Note that for a PIL simulation, you require a target connectivity
% configuration to:
% * Build the target application.
% * Download, start, and stop the application on the target.
% * Support communication between Simulink and the target. 

%% Open a simple counter top model.
% Turn off collection and reporting of model coverage data.
set_param(gcs, 'RecordCoverage','off')

% Configure the input stimulus data.
[ticks_to_count, reset, counter_mode, count_enable] = ...

% Configure logging options in the model.
set_param(model, 'LoadExternalInput','on');
set_param(model, 'ExternalInput','ticks_to_count, reset, counter_mode, count_enable');
set_param(model, 'SignalLogging', 'on');
set_param(model, 'SignalLoggingName', 'logsOut');

% Enable execution time profiling for tasks and functions in generated code.
set_param(model, 'CodeExecutionProfiling','on');
set_param(model, 'CodeProfilingInstrumentation','on');
set_param(model, 'CodeProfilingSaveOptions','AllData');
% Switch off code coverage.
coverageSettings = get_param(model, 'CodeCoverageSettings');
set_param(model, 'CodeCoverageSettings',coverageSettings);

% Run a normal mode mode simulation.
[~, ~, yout_normal] = sim(model,10);

% Run a top-model SIL simulation.
set_param(model,'SimulationMode','Software-in-the-Loop (SIL)')
[~, ~, yout_sil] = sim(model,10);

% Unless up-to-date code for this model exists, new code is generated and
% compiled. The generated code runs as a separate process on your host
% computer.
% Plot and compare the results of the normal and SIL simulations. Observe
% that the results match.
fig1 = figure;
subplot(3,1,1), plot(yout_normal), title('Counter output for normal simulation')
subplot(3,1,2), plot(yout_normal-yout_sil), title('Error')
subplot(3,1,3), plot(yout_sil), title('Counter output for SIL simulation');

% Clean up.
if ishandle(fig1), close(fig1), end, clear fig1
simResults = {'yout_sil','yout_normal','model','T',...
save([model '_results'],simResults{:}, 'executionProfile');

%% Execution Time Measurements
% In Example 3, you configured the model to collect execution time
% measurements and saved this data as a variable in the base workspace. The
% software provides an API to retrieve execution time information from the base
% workspace variable. For example, you can use the report method to create a
% summary report.

% For more information, see <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','ecoder','helptargets.map'),'code_exe_profile_view_comp_exe_times') View and Compare Code Execution Times>.

% Clean up execution profiling data.
clear executionProfile

%% Further Information on Hardware Implementation Settings for SIL Simulation
% When you run a SIL simulation, you must configure your hardware implementation
% settings (i.e. characteristics such as native word sizes) to allow compilation
% for your host computer. The settings can differ from the hardware
% implementation settings that you use when building the model
% for your production hardware. To avoid the need to change hardware
% implementation settings between SIL and PIL simulations, enable portable
% word sizes. For more information, see <docid:ecoder_ug.buty32q>.