www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/EliminateZeroInitExample.m

    %% Eliminate Zero Initialization Code for Internal Data
% This example shows how to eliminate generated code that initializes internal
% data with zeroes, for example global DWork vectors, to reduce the size of the
% code and to accelerate model initialization. 

%   Copyright 2009-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Overview
% During model initialization, generated code can initialize internal 
% data by using assignments to zero. DWork vectors are an example of
% internal data.
% If the data are global variables in the generated
% code, and if the target environment already initializes global 
% variables with zeroes, you can remove the corresponding lines of
% model initialization code.
% This optimization removes unnecessary zero initialization code, providing
% these benefits:
% * Reduction in size of generated code
% * Increased execution speed of generated code

%% Open Example Model
% Open the model <matlab:rtwdemo_internal_init rtwdemo_internal_init>.
% The model contains an enabled subsystem whose initial output is zero.
% The subsystem contains a Unit Delay block whose initial condition is |0|.
model = 'rtwdemo_internal_init';

%% Generate Code Without Optimization
% Build the model using Embedded Coder. 
currentDir = pwd;
[~,cgDir] = rtwdemodir();
% View the following code from the generated file |rtwdemo_internal_init.c|.
cfile = fullfile(cgDir,'rtwdemo_internal_init_ert_rtw','rtwdemo_internal_init.c');
rtwdemodbtype(cfile,'/* Model initialize', '* File trailer', 1, 0);

%% Enable Optimization
% Open the Configuration Parameters dialog box. On the *Optimization* pane, 
% select *Remove internal data zero initialization*.
% Alternatively, you can use the command prompt to enable the
% optimization. To enable the optimization, set the model parameter 
% |ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup| to |'off'|. 
%   set_param(model, 'ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup', 'off');
set_param(model, 'ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup', 'off');

%% Generate Code with Optimization
% Build the model using Embedded Coder. 
% View the following code from the file |rtwdemo_internal_init.c|.
% The generated code does not initialize internal data by assignment to zero.
rtwdemodbtype(cfile,'/* Model initialize', '* File trailer', 1, 0);
