www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/ExportingFunctionsExample.m

    %% Generate Code for Functions Exported to a Larger System 
% This example shows how to generate function code for individual Simulink  
% function blocks or function-call subsystems without generating scheduling code. 
% To generate function code for export: 
% # Create a model that contains the functions for export. 
% # Create a test harness model that schedules execution of the functions
% during simulation.
% # Simulate the model that contains the functions by using the test harness model. 
% # Generate code for the model that contains the functions.
%% Create Model That Contains Functions for Export
% The model with functions for export must satisfy architectural constraints at 
% the model root level.  Blocks that are valid at the root level are:
% * Inport
% * Outport
% * Function-Call Subsystem
% * Simulink Function
% * Goto
% * From
% * Merge 
% The code generator produces function code for Function-Call Subsystem and
% Simulink Function blocks as well as Initialize and Reset Function blocks. For
% a Function-call Subsystem block, you connect the block input ports to root
% Inport blocks that assert function-call signals.  The subsystem executes based
% on the function-call signal that it receives.  A Simulink Function block
% executes in response to the execution of a corresponding Function Caller block
% or Stateflow chart. An Initialize Function block executes on a model
% initialize event and a Reset Function block executes on a user-defined reset
% event.
% Model |rtwdemo_functions| contains two function-call subsystems (|f1_alg| and
% |f2_alg|) and a Simulink Function block (|f3_alg|) for exporting
% functions. The model also contains an Initialize Function block (|Initialize
% Function|) and a Reset Function block (|Reset Function|). The State Writer
% blocks are used inside the Initialize and Reset Function blocks to calculate
% initial conditions for blocks with state in other parts of the model.

%% Create Model That Contains Function Caller
% Use a Function Caller block to invoke a Simulink Function block. The Function
% Caller block can be in the same model as the Simulink Function block or in
% a different model. 
% Multiple Function Caller blocks can invoke a Simulink Function block. 
% You can place the Function Caller block inside a function-call subsystem. 
% During code generation, the code generator exports a function from the 
% function-call subsystem. 
% The model |rtwdemo_caller| exports a function-call subsystem that contains a Function 
% Caller block.

%% Create Test Harness Model for Simulation
% When you export functions, the generated code does not include a scheduler.
% Create a test harness model to handle scheduling during simulation. Do 
% not use the test harness model to generate code that you deploy.
% Model |rtwdemo_export_functions| is a test harness.  The model:
% * Schedules the Simulink Function block with the Function Caller block in 
% |rtwdemo_caller|. 
% * Provides function-call signals to other models in this example to schedule 
% the model contents, including the model initialize and reset events.

%% Simulate the Test Harness Model
% Verify that the model containing the functions that you want to export
% executes as you expect by simulating the test harness model. For example,
% simulate |rtwdemo_export_functions|.

%% Generate Function Code and Report
% Generate code and a code generation report for the functions that you want 
% to export. For example, generate code for |rtwdemo_functions|. 

%% Review Generated Code
% From the code generation report, review the generated code.
% * |ert_main.c| is an example main program (execution framework) for the
% model. This code shows how to call the exported functions. The code also
% shows how to initialize and execute the generated code.
% * |rtwdemo_functions.c| calls the initialization function, including
% |Initialize Function|, and exported functions for model components |f1_alg|,
% |f2_alg|, and |f3_alg|.
% * |rtwdemo_functions.h| declares model data structures and a public
% interface to the exported entry-point functions and data structures.
% * |f3.h| is a shared file that declares the call interface for 
% the Simulink function |f3_alg|.
% * |rtwtypes.h| defines data types, structures, and macros that the
% generated code requires.
%% Code Interface
% Open and review the Code Interface Report. To write the interface code 
% for your execution framework, use the information in that report.
% # Include the generated header files by adding directives |#include rtwdemo_functions.h|,
% |#include f3.h|, and |#include rtwtypes.h|.
% # Write input data to the generated code for model Inport blocks.
% # Call the generated entry-point functions.
% # Read data from the generated code for model Outport blocks.
% Input ports:
% * |rtU.U1| of type |real_T| with dimension 1
% * |rtU.U2| of type |real_T| with dimension 1
% Entry-point functions: 
% * Initialize entry-point function, |void
% rtwdemo_functions_initialize(void)|. At startup, call this function once.
% * Reset entry-point function, |void rtwdemo_functions_reset(void)|. Call this
% function as needed.
% * Exported function, |void f1(void)|. Call this function as needed.
% * Exported function, |void f2(void)|. Call this function as needed.
% * Simulink function, |void f3(real_T rtu_u, real_T *rty_y)|. Call this
% function as needed.
% Output ports:
% * |rtY.Accumulator1| of type |int8_T| with dimension [2]
% * |rtY.Accumulator2| of type |int8_T| with dimension [2]
% * |rtY.TicToc10| of type |int8_T| with dimension 1
%% Create Model with Functions for Export with C++ Class Generation
% You can use exported functions with a C++ model class interface.
% For C++ class generation, blocks that are valid at the model root level are:
% * Inport
% * Outport
% * Function-Call Subsystem
% * Goto
% * From
% * Merge
% When generating C++ code, the code generator produces public class methods
% for Function-Call Subsystem blocks.  For a Function-call Subsystem block, 
% you connect the block input ports to root Inport blocks that produce 
% function-call signals.
% Model |rtwdemo_cppclass_functions| exports functions as C++ code.
% The model is a modified version of |rtwdemo_functions|.
%% More About
% * <docid:ecoder_ug.bqnrwky-1>
% * <docid:ecoder_ug.br54_tp>
% * <docid:ecoder_ug.f6010dfi4>
% * <docid:rtw_ug.bukgv5h>
% * <docid:rtw_ug.bukg55s-1>

% Close Example Models 