www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/GenerateAUTOSARCodeForMultipleRunnableEntitiesExample.m

    %% Generate AUTOSAR-Compliant Code for Multiple Runnable Entities
% Cnfigure and generate AUTOSAR-compliant code and export AUTOSAR software component
% description XML files for a Simulink(R) model with multiple runnable entities.

%   Copyright 1990-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Prerequisites
% The Embedded Coder Support Package for AUTOSAR Standard is required for
% working with the model in this example.
% <matlab:matlab.addons.supportpackage.internal.explorer.showSupportPackages({'EC_AUTOSAR'},'autosar_doc') Install the AUTOSAR Standard Support Package>
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'matlab','helptargets.map'),'rttsetup') Support Package Installation>

%% Overview of Multiple Runnable Support
% You can use the rtwdemo_autosar_multirunnables model to see how to construct a
% Simulink model to designate multiple runnable entities.
% * Open the model rtwdemo_autosar_multirunnables.

% Model defines
modelName = 'rtwdemo_autosar_multirunnables';

% open the model
open_system( modelName );

%% Designate Multiple Runnable Entities
% The model rtwdemo_autosar_multirunnables represents an AUTOSAR atomic software
% component. You can see the multiple runnable entities that compose the atomic
% software component. Each function-call subsystem defines a runnable
% entity. This model contains three function-call subsystems: Runnable1,
% Runnable2, and Runnable3. An additional runnable entity aggregating the
% initialization functions for each of the function-call subsystems is also
% created at code generation.

%% Define Inter-Runnable Variables
% Inter-runnable variables provide data consistency between runnable
% entities. You define these variables through the signals that connect the
% entities. Label the signals with their inter-runnable variable
% names. This model has four inter-runnable variables: irv1, irv2, irv3, and irv4.
% You may route inter-runnable variables through Goto and From blocks, as well
% as through virtual subsystem boundaries.  However, check that  
% labels on the respective line segments are consistent.

%% Configure Model as AUTOSAR Component Using the Configure AUTOSAR Interface Dialog Box
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','ecoder','helptargets.map'),'autosar_interface_dialog_box') Overview of the Configure AUTOSAR Interface dialog box>
% # Click the *Code* menu and select *C/C++ Code* > *Configure Model
% as AUTOSAR Component*.
% # In the Simulink-AUTOSAR Mapping Explorer, configure the mapping of Simulink
% inports, outports, entry point functions, and data transfers.
% # In the AUTOSAR Properties Explorer, configure the AUTOSAR ports,
% runnables, events, inter-runnable variables, interfaces, 
% computational methods, and XML options.
% # After making changes, click *Validate* to confirm
% that the changes conform to AUTOSAR identifier naming conventions.
% An alternative method to change the AUTOSAR configuration is to modify
% programmatically using methods in the autosar.api package.

help autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties;
help autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping;

%% Generate AUTOSAR-Compliant Code
% Click the *Code* menu and select *C/C++ Code* > *Build Model*.
% An alternative method to generate AUTOSAR-compliant code from the model is
% to press Ctrl-B, or use the following command.

rtwbuild( modelName );

%% Further Information
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','ecoder','helptargets.map'),'ecoder_autosar_doc') Embedded Coder AUTOSAR documentation>