www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/LUTObjCondCompiledDimLengthsExample.m

    %% Generate Code That Uses Conditionally Compiled Dimension Lengths
% Suppose your handwritten code conditionally allocates memory and
% initializes a lookup table based on dimension lengths that you specify
% as |#define| macros. This example shows how to generate code that uses
% your custom table and breakpoint data. 
% Symbolic dimensions require that you use an ERT-based system target file,
% which requires Embedded Coder(R).
%% Explore Custom Code
% In your current folder, copy these macro definitions into a header file
% named |myHdr_LUT.h|.
% <include>myHdr_LUT.h</include>
% Copy this static initialization code into a source file named |mySrc_LUT.c|.
% <include>mySrc_LUT.c</include>
% To generate code that imports this data, create |bp1Len| and |bp2Len| as
% |Simulink.Parameter| objects in MATLAB. Create |LUTObj| as a |Simulink.LookupTable| object. Use the parameter objects
% to specify the dimension lengths for the table and breakpoint set
% data in the |Simulink.LookupTable| object.
%% Create Example Model
% Create the example model |ex_LUTObj| by using an n-D Lookup Table block.
% In the Lookup Table block dialog box, on the *Table and Breakpoints* tab,
% set *Number of table dimensions* to |2|.
%% Create |Simulink.LookupTable| Object
% In the Model Explorer *Model Hierarchy* pane, select *Base Workspace*.
% Select *Add > Add Custom*.
% In the Select Object dialog box, set *Object class* to
% |Simulink.LookupTable|. Set *Object name* to |LUTObj|. Click *OK*. The
% |Simulink.LookupTable| object |LUTObj| appears in the base workspace.
% Alternatively, create the object at the command prompt:
LUTObj = Simulink.LookupTable;
%% Configure |Simulink.LookupTable| Object
% In the *Contents* pane, select the new object |LUTObj|. The property
% dialog box appears in the *Dialog* pane.
% Set *Number of table dimensions* to |2|.
% Under *Table*, set *Value* to |[3 4; 2 1]|.
% In the first row under *Breakpoints*, set *Value* to |[1 2]|.
% In the second row under *Breakpoints*, set *Value* to |[3 4]|. Click
% *Apply*.
% Under *Struct Type definition*, set *Data scope* to |Imported|. Set
% *Header file* to |myHdr_LUT.h|. Set *Name* to |LUTObj_Type|.
% In the Lookup Table block dialog box, set *Data specification* to
% |Lookup table object|. Set *Name* to |LUTObj|. Click
% *Apply*.
% Alternatively, to configure the object and the blocks, use these commands:
LUTObj.Breakpoints(1).Value = [1 2];
LUTObj.Breakpoints(2).Value = [3 4];
LUTObj.Table.Value = [3 4; 2 1];
LUTObj.StructTypeInfo.DataScope = 'Imported';
LUTObj.StructTypeInfo.HeaderFileName = 'myHdr_LUT.h';
LUTObj.StructTypeInfo.Name = 'LUTObj_Type';
set_param('ex_LUTObj/Lookup Table','LookupTableObject','LUTObj')
set_param('ex_LUTObj/Lookup Table',...
    'DataSpecification','Lookup table object')
% Enable the code generator to use |Simulink.Parameter| objects as macros
% that specify dimension lengths. Select the configuration parameter *Allow
% symbolic dimension specification*.
% Create the |Simulink.Parameter| objects that represent the macros
% |bp1Len| and |bp2Len|. To generate code that imports the macros from your
% header file |myHdr_LUT.h|, apply the custom storage class |ImportedDefine|.
bp1Len = Simulink.Parameter(2);
bp1Len.Min = 2;
bp1Len.Max = 3;
bp1Len.DataType = 'int32';
bp1Len.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
bp1Len.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'ImportedDefine';
bp1Len.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'myHdr_LUT.h';

bp2Len = Simulink.Parameter(2);
bp2Len.Min = 2;
bp2Len.Max = 3;
bp2Len.DataType = 'int32';
bp2Len.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
bp2Len.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'ImportedDefine';
bp2Len.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'myHdr_LUT.h';
% Configure the existing |Simulink.LookupTable| object |LUTObj| to use the
% |Simulink.Parameter| objects. Set the dimension lengths of the breakpoint
% set data and the table data by using the names of the parameter objects.
LUTObj.Breakpoints(1).Dimensions = '[1 bp1Len]';
LUTObj.Breakpoints(2).Dimensions = '[1 bp2Len]';
LUTObj.Table.Dimensions = '[bp1Len bp2Len]';
% Configure |LUTObj| as imported data by applying the custom storage class
% |ImportFromFile|. To import your definition of |LUTObj|, add the name of
% the file |mySrc_LUT.c| to the model configuration parameter *Configuration
% Parameters > Code Generation > Custom Code > Additional Build Information
% > Source files*.
LUTObj.CoderInfo.StorageClass = 'Custom';
LUTObj.CoderInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'ImportFromFile';
LUTObj.CoderInfo.CustomAttributes.HeaderFile = 'myHdr_LUT.h';

%% Generate and Inspect Code
% Configure the model to compile an executable from the generated code.
% Generate code from the model.
% In the code generation report, view the generated file
% |ex_LUTObj.h|. The file imports the macro definitions and the structure type definition by
% including your header file |myHdr_LUT.h|.
file = fullfile('ex_LUTObj_ert_rtw','ex_LUTObj.h');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'#include "myHdr_LUT.h"','#include "myHdr_LUT.h"',1,1)
% In the source file |ex_LUTObj.c|, the code algorithm in the model |step|
% function passes the breakpoint and table data to the function that
% performs the table lookup. The algorithm also passes |bp1Len| so the
% lookup function can traverse the rows and columns of the table data,
% which appear in the generated code as a serialized 1-D array.
file = fullfile('ex_LUTObj_ert_rtw','ex_LUTObj.c');
rtwdemodbtype(file,'/* Model step function */','/* Model initialize function */',1,0)