www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/OptimizeGeneratedCodeByDevelopingAndUsingCRLsMLExample.m

    %% Optimize Generated Code By Developing and Using Code Replacement Libraries - MATLAB(R)
% Develop and use code replacement libraries to  
% replace function and operators in generated code. Code replacement is a 
% technique to change the code that the code generator produces for
% functions and operators to meet application code requirements. For
% example, you can replace generated code to meet requirements such as:
% * Optimization for a specific run-time environment, including, but not
% limited to, specific target hardware 
% * Integration with existing application code
% * Compliance with a standard, such as AUTOSAR
% * Modification of code behavior, such as enabling or disabling nonfinite
% or inline support
% * Application- or project-specific code requirements, such as use of BLAS 
% or elimination of |math.h|, system header files, or calls to |memcpy| or |memset|.
% You can configure the code generator to use a code
% replacement library that MathWorks(R) provides.  If you have an Embedded 
% Coder(R) license, you can develop your own code replacement library 
% interactively with the Code Replacement Tool or programmatically.
% This example provides MATLAB(R) code that shows a variety of ways you can
% define code replacement mappings.  With each example MATLAB(R) function, 
% the example provides MATLAB(R) files  that illustrate how to develop 
% function and operator code replacements programatically.
% *Additional Requirements:*
% * MATLAB Coder
% * Embedded Coder
% * Fixed-Point Designer
% For more information, see <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeg-2> and <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-7>.
%   Copyright 2010-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Create a New Folder and Copy Relevant Files
% The following code creates a folder in your current working folder (pwd). 
% The new folder contains files that are relevant for this example. If you 
% do not want to affect the current folder (or if you cannot generate files 
% in this folder), change your working folder.
%% Steps for Developing a Code Replacement Library
% # Identify your code replacement requirements with respect to function or
% operating mappings, build information, and registration information.
% # Prepare for code replacement library development (for example, identify
% or develop models to test your library).
% # Define code replacement mappings.
% # Specify build information for replacement code.
% # Register code replacement mappings.
% # Verify code replacements.
% # Deploy the library.
% For more information, see <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-7>.
%% Math Function Replacement 
% This example defines and registers code replacement mappings for math functions. 
% You can define code replacement mappings for a variety of functions.  For
% details, see <docid:ecoder_ug.buicawx>.
% *1.* Open and explore the MATLAB(R) file for this example. 
% *2.* Configure the code generator to use the code replacement library *Function Replacement Examples*. 
cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
cfg.CodeReplacementLibrary = 'Function Replacement Examples';
cfg.GenerateReport = false;
cfg.LaunchReport = false;
% *3.* Set up the configuration parameters to build and define the 
% function input type.
t = single(2); %#ok<NASGU>
% *4.* Explore the code replacement table definition file.   
% *5.* Compile the MATLAB(R) program into a C source file by using the configuration parameters that point to the
% code replacement library and the example input class defined in 
% step 3 as input parameters to the |codegen| command.
codegen -config cfg replace_math_fcns -args {t, t};
% *6.* Open the file |replace_math_fcns.c| and explore the generated source code. 
% *7.* Close |replace_math_fcns.m|.
% For more information on math function replacement, see
% <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-51>. For more information on embeddable C code 
% generation using  MATLAB(R) Coder(TM), see <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-30>
% and <docid:coder_ug.bq_xfa5-2>. 
%% Addition and Subtraction Operator Replacement
% This example shows how to define and register code replacement mappings for  
% addition (+) and subtraction (-) operations. When defining entries for addition 
% and subtraction operations, you can specify which of the following algorithms 
% (|EntryInfoAlgorithm|) your library functions implement: 
% * Cast-before-operation (CBO) (|RTW_CAST_BEFORE_OP|), the default 
% * Cast-after-operation (CAO) (|RTW_CAST_AFTER_OP|)
% *1.* Open and explore the MATLAB(R) file for this example. 
% CBO, the default algorithm, is assumed.
% *2.* Configure the code generator to use a code replacement library *Addition & Subtraction Examples*. 
cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
cfg.CodeReplacementLibrary = 'Addition & Subtraction Examples';
cfg.GenerateReport = false;
cfg.LaunchReport = false;
% *3.* Set up the configuration parameters to build and define the 
% operation input type.
t = int16(2); %#ok<NASGU> 
% *4.*  Explore the code replacement table definition file.
% *5.* Compile the MATLAB(R) program into a C source file by using the 
% configuration parameters that point to the
% desired code replacement library and the example input class defined in 
%  step 3 as input parameters to the |codegen| command.
codegen -config cfg addsub_two_int16 -args {t, t}; 
% *6.* Open the file |addsub_two_int16.c| and explore the generated source code. 
% *7.* Close |addsub_two_int16.m|.
% For more information on addition and subtraction operator replacement, see
% <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-84> and <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-85>.
% For more information on embeddable C code generation using  
% MATLAB(R) Coder(TM), see <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-30>
% and <docid:coder_ug.bq_xfa5-2>. 
%% Matrix Operator Replacement 
% This example defines and registers code replacement mappings for matrix
% operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, transposition, 
% conjugate, and Hermitian.
% Supported types include:
% * |single|, |double|
% * |int8|, |uint8|
% * |int16|, |uint16|
% * |int32|, |uint32|
% * |csingle|, |cdouble|
% * |cint8|, |cuint8|
% * |cint16|, |cuint16|
% * |cint32|, |cuint32|
% * fixed-point integers
% * mixed types (different type on each input)
% *1.* Open and explore the MATLAB(R) file for this example: 
% *2.* Configure the code generator to use a code replacement library *Matrix Op Replacement Examples*. 
cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
cfg.CodeReplacementLibrary = 'Matrix Op Replacement Examples';
cfg.GenerateReport = false;
cfg.LaunchReport = false;
% *3.* Set up the configuration parameters to build and define the 
% operation input type.
t = [1.0 2.0; 3.0, 4.0]; %#ok<NASGU>
% *4.*  Explore the code replacement table definition file. 
% *5.* Compile the MATLAB(R) program using the configuration parameters that point to the
% desired code replacement library and the example input class defined in 
% step 3 as input parameters to the |codegen| command.
codegen -config cfg replace_matrix_ops -args {t, t}; 
% *6.* Open the file |replace_matrix_ops.c| and explore the generated source code. 
% *7.* Close |replace_matrix_ops.m|.
%% For more information on matrix operator replacement, see <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-91>.
%% Matrix Multiplication Replacement for BLAS
% This example defines and registers code replacement mappings for 
% Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) subroutines |xGEMM| and |xGEMV|. 
% You can map the following operations to a BLAS subroutine:
% * Matrix multiplication
% * Matrix multiplication with transpose on single or both inputs
% * Matrix multiplication with Hermitian operation on single or both inputs
% *1.* Open and explore the MATLAB(R) file for this example. 
% *2.* Configure the code generator to use a code replacement library *BLAS Replacement Examples*. 
cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
cfg.CodeReplacementLibrary = 'BLAS Replacement Examples';
cfg.GenerateReport = false;
cfg.LaunchReport = false;
% *3.* Set up the configuration parameters to build and define the 
% function input type.
t = [1.0 2.0 3.0; 4.0 5.0 6.0; 7.0 8.0 9.0]; %#ok<NASGU>
% *4.*  Explore the code replacement table definition file. 
% *5.* Compile the MATLAB(R) program using the configuration parameters that point to the
% desired code replacement library and the example input class defined in 
% step 3 as input parameters to the |codegen| command.
codegen -config cfg replace_matrix_ops_blas -args {t, t}; 
% *6.* Open the file |replace_matrix_ops_blas.c| and explore the generated source code. 
% *7.* Close |replace_matrix_ops_blas.m|.
% For more information on matrix multiplication replacement for BLAS, see <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-92>.
%% MATLAB Function Replacement Using Coder.Replace
% Code replacement libraries support the replacement of MATLAB(R) functions with scalar and matrix 
% inputs and outputs for built-in, complex, and fixed-point data types.
% *1.* Open and explore the MATLAB(R) file for this example. 
% *2.* Configure the code generator to use a code replacement library *Coder Replace Examples*. 
cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true);
cfg.CodeReplacementLibrary = 'Coder Replace Examples';
cfg.GenerateReport = false;
cfg.LaunchReport = false;
% *3.* Set up the configuration parameters to build and define the 
% function input type.
t = [1 2; 3 4]; 
% *4.* Explore the code replacement table definition file.   
% *5.* Compile the MATLAB(R) program using the configuration parameters that point to the
% desired code replacement library and the example input class defined in 
% step 3 as input parameters to the |codegen| command.
codegen -config cfg coder_replace_fcn -args {t, t};
% *6.* Open the file |coder_replace_fcn.c| and explore the generated source code. 
% *7.* Close |coder_replace_fcn.m|.
% For more information, see <docid:ecoder_ug.btl2rhe>.
%% Build Information
% For each entry in a code replacement table, you can specify build information
% such as the following, for replacements functions:
% * Header file dependencies
% * Source file dependencies
% * Additional include paths
% * Additional source paths
% * Additional link flags
% Additionally, you can specify |RTW.copyFileToBuildDir| to copy header, source, 
% or object files, which are required to generate replacement code, to the build
% folder before code generation.  You can specify |RTW.copyFileToBuildDir|
% by setting it as the value of:
% * Property |GenCallback| in a call to 
% |setTflCFunctionEntryParameters|, |setTflCOperationEntryParameters|, or
% |setTflCSemaphoreEntryParameters|.
% * Argument |genCallback| in a call to |registerCFunctionEntry|, 
% |registerCOperationEntry|, or |registerCSemaphoreEntry|.
% *Note:* Models in this example are configured for code generation only 
% because the implementations for the replacement functions are not provided.
% For more information on specifying build information for replacement code, 
% see <docid:ecoder_ug.bujlgeh-23>.
%% Cleanup
% Remove files and return to original folder
clear coderdemo_crl