www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/PILTargetCommunicationExample.m

    %% Create a Target Communication Channel for Processor-In-The-Loop (PIL) Simulation
% Implement a communication channel for processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation.
% The communication channel enables exchange of data between different
% processes. The communication channel supports capabilities that require 
% exchange of data between the Simulink(R) software environment (running on your
% host machine) and deployed code (running on target hardware), for example,
% a PIL simulation.
% You learn about the rtiostream interface and how it provides a generic
% communication channel that you can implement in the form of target
% connectivity drivers for different connection types. This example
% describes how to use the default TCP/IP implementation.
% Two entities, Station A and Station B, use the rtiostream interface to 
% set up a communication channel and exchange data. For
% this example, Station A and Station B are configured within
% the same process on your desktop computer.
% The target connectivity drivers support an on-target PIL simulation. In
% the simulation, Station A and Station B represent the target and host computers  
% that exchange data via the communication channel. On the host side, the target
% connectivity driver is implemented as a shared library that is loaded and 
% called from within the MATLAB(R) product. On the target side, the driver 
% is source code or a library that is linked to the application that 
% runs on the target.
% Additionally, you can:
% * Configure your own target-side driver for TCP/IP to operate with the 
%   default host-side TCP/IP driver.
% * Configure the supplied host-side driver for serial communications.
% * Implement custom target connectivity drivers, for example, by using CAN 
%   or USB for host and target sides of the communication channel.
% See also <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_sil_pil_script> and 
% <docid:ecoder_examples.bu5jike-2>.

%   Copyright 2007-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% View Source Code for the Default TCP/IP Implementation
% The file rtiostream_tcpip.c implements client-side and server-side TCP/IP
% communication. A startup parameter configures the driver to operate
% in either client or server mode. You can use this source file as a starting
% point for a custom implementation. Each side of the communication channel
% requires only one or the other of the server or client implementations.
% If the client and server drivers run on different architectures, consider
% placing the driver code for each architecture in a separate source file.
% The header file rtiostream.h contains prototypes for the functions
% rtIOStreamOpen/Send/Recv/Close. Include it (using #include) for 
% custom implementations.
% Extract the location of TCP/IP driver source code.
% View rtiostream_tcpip.c.
% View rtiostream.h.
%% Location of Shared Library Files
% To access the target connectivity drivers from the MATLAB product, you
% must compile them to a shared library. The shared library must be located
% on your system path. A shared library for the default TCP/IP drivers is 
% located in matlabroot/bin/$ARCH ($ARCH is your system architecture, for 
% example, win64).
% The shared library filename extension and location depends on your operating
% system.
% Identify the shared library for Station A and Station B.
libTcpip = ['libmwrtiostreamtcpip' sharedLibExt];
%% Test the Target Connectivity Drivers
% If you are implementing a custom target connectivity driver, it is helpful to
% test it from within the MATLAB product. The following example shows
% how to load the default TCP/IP target connectivity drivers and use them for
% data exchange between Station A and Station B.
% To access the drivers, you can use the MEX-file rtiostream_wrapper. With this
% MEX-file, you can load the shared library and access the rtiostream
% functions to open and close an rtiostream channel, and send and receive data.
% Station A and Station B run on the host computer. Station A is configured 
% as a TCP/IP server and Station B as a TCP/IP client. For host to target 
% communication, you typically configure the host as a TCP/IP client and
% the target as a TCP/IP server.
% Choose a port number for TCP.
if usejava('jvm')
    % Find a free port
    tempSocket = java.net.ServerSocket(0);
    port = num2str(tempSocket.getLocalPort);
    % Use a hard-coded port
    port = '14646';
% Open the Station A rtiostream as a TCP/IP server.
stationA = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,'open',...
                                 '-client', '0',...
                                 '-blocking', '0',...
% If the communication channel opens, the return value is a
% handle to the connection. A return value of -1 indicates an error.
% Check the return value.
% Open the Station B rtiostream as a TCP/IP client.
stationB = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,'open',...
                                 '-blocking', '0',...
% If the communication channel opens, the return value is a
% handle to the connection. A return value of -1 indicates an error.
% Check the return value.
%% Send Data from Station B to Station A
% The target connectivity drivers send a stream of data in 8-bit bytes.
% For processors that are not byte-addressable, the data is sent in the
% smallest addressable word size.
% Send message data from Station B to Station A.
msgOut = uint8('Station A, this is Station B. Are you there? OVER');

[retVal, sizeSent] = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,...
% A return value of zero indicates success.
% Make sure that bytes in the message were sent.
% Allow time for data transmission to be completed.
% Receive data in Station A.
[retVal, msgRecvd, sizeRecvd] = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,...
% A return value of zero indicates success.
% Make sure that bytes in the message were received.
% Display the received data.
%% Send a Response from Station A to Station B
% Send response data from Station A to Station B.
msgOut = uint8('Station B, this is Station A. Yes, I''m here! OVER.');
[~, sizeSent] = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,... %#ok
% Allow time for data transmission to be completed.
% Receive data in Station B.
[~, msgRecvd, sizeRecvd] = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,... %#ok
% Display the received data.
%% Close Connection and Unload Shared Libraries
% Close rtiostream on Station B.
retVal = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,'close',stationB);
% A return value of zero indicates success.
% Close rtiostream on Station A.
retVal = rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip,'close',stationA);
% A return value of zero indicates success.
% Unload the shared library.
rtiostream_wrapper(libTcpip, 'unloadlibrary');
%% Host-Side Driver for Serial Communications
% You can use the supplied host-side driver for serial communications as an
% alternative to the drivers for TCP/IP. To configure the serial driver, see
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','ecoder','helptargets.map'),'rtiostr_wrap_hsd')
% rtiostream_wrapper> in the Embedded Coder(R) reference documentation.
%% Configure Your Own Target-Side Driver
% If your target has an Ethernet connection and you have a TCP/IP stack
% available, follow these steps:
% # Write a wrapper for your TCP/IP stack that makes it available via the 
%    rtiostream interface defined in rtiostream.h.
% # Write a test application for your target that sends and receives some 
%    data.
% # Use the rtiostream_wrapper MEX-file and host-side TCP/IP driver to test
%   your driver software that is running on the target.
% # When you have a working target-side driver, include the driver source 
%   files in the build for your automatically generated code.
% You can configure your target-side driver to operate only
% as a TCP/IP server because the default host-side driver for PIL is 
% configured as a TCP/IP client.
% If you need to use a communications channel that is not already supported 
% on the host-side, write drivers for host and target. In this case,
% you can still use the rtiostream_wrapper MEX-file for testing your rtiostream 
% drivers.
%% Configure Your Own Host-Side Driver
% You can implement the target connectivity drivers by using different
% communication channels. For example, you can implement host-target
% communications via a special serial connection, which requires that you
% provide drivers for the host and target.
% On the host side, you can test the drivers by using the rtiostream_wrapper
% MEX-file. If your driver includes diagnostic output from printf
% statements and rtiostream_wrapper loads the shared library, you must replace 
% the printf statements with mexPrintf statements.
% When you have a working host-side device driver, you must make it available
% within the Simulink software environment. For PIL simulation, register
% the shared host-side shared library via sl_customization.