www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/PartitionFunctionsInGeneratedCodeExample.m

    %% Partition Functions in the Generated Code
% Associate subsystems in a model with function names and files.
% Learn how to:
% * Specify function and file names in the generated code.
% * Identify the parts of the generated code that are required for
% integration.
% * Generate code for atomic subsystems.
% * Identify data that are required to execute a generated function.
% For information about the example model and other examples in this
% series, see <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_1_p1_script>.
%% Atomic and Virtual Subsystems
% The example models in <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_1_p1_script>
% and <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_2_p1_script>
% use _virtual subsystems_.  Virtual subsystems 
% visually organize blocks but do not affect the model functionality
% _Atomic subsystems_ evaluate all of the included blocks as a unit.
% With atomic subsystems, you can specify additional function 
% partitioning information. In a model, atomic subsystems appear with a bold border.
%% View Changes in Model Architecture
% <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_open_pcg_model(3,0); Open the example model, 
% |rtwdemo_PCG_Eval_P3|>.
% Save a copy of the model to your current folder.
% This example shows how to replace the virtual subsystems
% with _function call subsystems_.  Function call subsystems: 
% * Are atomic subsystems
% * Enable you to control subsystem execution order
% * Execute when a _function call signal_ triggers
% By controlling the execution order of the subsystems, you can match the model with an existing system that has a
% specific execution order.
% The figure identifies the function call subsystems (1) |PI_ctrl_1|, 
% |PI_ctrl_2|, and |Pos_Command_Arbitration|.
% <<../stage_3_with_markup.jpg>>
% This version of the model contains the new subsystem |Execution_Order_Control| (2), which contains a 
% Stateflow(R) chart that models the calling functionality of a scheduler.
% The subsystem
% controls the execution order of the function call subsystems through function call signals (3).  Later in
% this example, you examine
% how changing the execution order can change the simulation results.
% This version of the model contains new Signal Conversion blocks (4) at the outputs of the PI
% controllers. With these additional blocks in place, the code generator can
% generate a single reentrant function for the PI controllers.
%% Control Function Location and File Placement in the Generated Code
% In <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_1_p1_script>
% and <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_2_p1_script>, 
% the code generator creates a single
% |_model__step| function that contains all of the control algorithm code.  However, many 
% applications require a greater level of control over the file placement of
% functions.  By modifying the parameters of atomic subsystems, you can 
% specify multiple functions within a single model.
% The figure shows the subsystem parameters for |PI_ctrl_1|.
% <<../TheAtomicSubsystem.png>>
% * *Treat as atomic unit*: Enables other submenus.  For atomic subsystems, this parameter is automatically selected and disabled.
% * *Sample time*: Specifies a sample time for execution.  Not available for function-call subsystems.
% * *Function packaging*:  
%  Auto               Determines how the subsystem appears in the generated code.  This value is the default.
%  Inline             Places the subsystem code inline with the rest of the model code.  
%  Function           Generates the code for the subsystem as a function.
%  Reusable function  Generates a reusable (reentrant) function from the
%                       subsystem.
%                       The function passes all input and output data through formal parameters.
%                       The function does not directly access global variables.
% * *Function name options*: Selecting |Function| or |Reusable function| for *Function packaging* enables function name options.  
%  Auto                Determines the function.
%  Use subsystem name  Bases the function on the subsystem name.
%  User specified      Applies the specified file name.
% * *File name options*: Selecting |Function| or |Reusable function| for *Function packaging* enables file name options.
%  Auto                Places the function definition in the module generated for the parent system, or, if 
%                      the model root is the parent, in |model.c|.
%  Use subsystem name  Generates a separate file. The name of the file is the name of the subsystem or library block.
%  Use function name   Generates a separate file. The name of the file is the name that you specify with *Function name options*.
%  User specified      Applies the specified, unique file name.
% * *Function with separate data*: Enabled when you set *Function
% packaging* to |Function|. When selected, the code generator separates the
% internal data of the subsystem (for example, signals) from the data of
% the parent model. The subsystem owns this separate data.
%% Generate Reentrant Code
% Embedded Coder(R) supports _reentrant code_.  Reentrant  
% code is a reusable programming routine that multiple programs can use simultaneously.
% Reentrant code is used in operating systems and
% other system software that uses multithreading to handle concurrent events.
% Reentrant code does not maintain state data, so there are no persistent 
% variables in the function.  Calling programs maintain state
% variables and must pass the state data into the function. Any 
% number of users or processes can share one copy of a reentrant routine.
% To generate reentrant code, you must first specify the
% subsystem as reusable by configuring the subsystem parameter *Function
% packaging*.
% <<../reusable_subsystem_param.jpg>>
% In some cases, the configuration of the model prevents reusable code. The table lists common issues.
%  Cause                                     Solution
%  Subsystem output feeds global signal      Add a Signal Conversion block between the 
%  data                                      subsystem and the global signal.
%  Generated function receives data          Select Configuration Parameters >
%  (formal parameters) through pointers      Model Referencing > Pass fixed-size scalar root
%                                            inputs by value for code generation.           
%  Subsystem uses global signal data         Use a port to pass the global data in and out 
%  in internal algorithm                     of the subsystem.
%% Use a Mask to Pass Parameter Values into Library Subsystem
% To define algorithmic parameter data (such as a gain or coefficient)
% outside the scope of a reusable library block or subsystem, you can apply
% a _mask_ to the block or subsystem and create a mask parameter. You can
% then specify a different parameter value for each instance of the block
% or subsystem. Each mask parameter appears in the generated code as a formal parameter
% of the reentrant function.
% In this version of the model, the subsystems |PI_ctrl_1| and |PI_ctrl_2|
% are
% masked. In each mask, the values of the |P| and |I| gains are set by data
% objects such as |I_Gain_2| and |P_Gain_2|. 
% <<../Masked_SubSystems.png>>
%% Generate Code for Atomic Subsystem
% In <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_1_p1_script>
% and <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_2_p1_script>, you generate code at the root level of the model.
% Alternatively, you can build a specific subsystem.
% <<../code_gen_for_sub.jpg>>
% To initiate a subsystem build, use the context menu.
% You can choose from these options:
% # *Build Subsystem*:  
%   Treats the subsystem as a separate mode and creates the full set of source
%   C files and header files. This option does not support 
%   function-call subsystems.
% # *Generate S-Function*:  
%   Generates C code for the subsystem and creates an S-Function wrapper.
%   You can then simulate the code in the original model. This option does
%   not support function-call subsystems.
% # *Export Functions*: 
%   Generates C code without the scheduling code that comes with the 
%   *Build Subsystem* option. Use this option to build
%   subsystems that use triggers, such as function-call subsystems.
%% Examine Generated Code
% This example compares the files that are generated for the full system build with the  
% files that are generated for exported functions.  You also examine how the 
% masked data appears in the code.  
% Run the build script for the three options. Then, examine the generated 
% files by clicking the hyperlinks.
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_buildDemo(3,0); Generate code from the entire model.>
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_buildDemo(3,2,'PI_ctrl_1') Export the function |PI_ctrl_1|.>
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_buildDemo(3,2,'Pos_Command_Arbitration') Export the function |Pos_Command_Arbitration|.>
% *rtwdemo_PCG_Eval_P3.c*
% * Full Build: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'func'); Yes>, Step function
% * PI_ctrl_1:  No
% * Pos_Command_Arbitration: No
% *PI_ctrl_1.c*
% * Full Build: No
% * PI_ctrl_1: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'PI_ctrl_1_c','PI_ctrl_1_ert_rtw'); Yes>, Trigger function
% * Pos_Command_Arbitration: No
% *Pos_Command_Arbitration.c*
% * Full Build: No                                                                                                                                             
% * PI_ctrl_1: No
% * Pos_Command_Arbitration: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'Pos_Command_Arbitration_c','Pos_Command_Arbitration_ert_rtw'); Yes>, Init and Function
% *PI_Ctrl_Reusable.c*
% * Full Build: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'Reusable'); Yes>        
% * PI_ctrl_1: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'PI_Cntrl_Reusable_c','PI_ctrl_1_ert_rtw'); Yes>  
% * Pos_Command_Arbitration: No
% *ert_main.c*
% * Full Build: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'ert_main'); Yes>        
% * PI_ctrl_1: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'ert_main_c','PI_ctrl_1_ert_rtw'); Yes>           
% * Pos_Command_Arbitration: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'ert_main_c','Pos_Command_Arbitration_ert_rtw'); Yes>     
% *eval_data.c*
% * Full Build: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'eval_data_c'); Yes(1)>
% * PI_ctrl_1: <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_showSection(3,'eval_data_c','PI_ctrl_1_ert_rtw'); Yes(1)>
% * Pos_Command_Arbitration: No, Eval data not used in diagram
% (1) |eval_data.c| has different content in the full and
% export function builds.  The full build includes all of the parameters that the
% model uses. The export function contains only the variables that the
% subsystem uses.
% *Masked Data in the Generated Code*
% In the file |rtwdemo_PCG_Eval_P3.c|, the call sites of the reentrant function use the data objects
% |P_Gain|, |I_Gain|, |P_Gain_2|, and |I_Gain_2| as arguments.
% <<../MaskedParametesInCode.png>>
%% Effect of Execution Order on Simulation Results
% By default, Simulink(R) executes the subsystems in this
% order:
% # |PI_ctrl_1|
% # |PI_ctrl_2|
% # |Pos_Command_Arbitration|
% For this example, you can specify one of two alternative orders of execution. You can then use the test harness 
% to observe the effect of the execution order on the simulation results.
% The subsystem |Execution_Order_Control| has 
% two configurations that control the execution order. To choose a
% configuration, use the subsystem context menu.
% Change the execution order and observe the results.
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_set_exec_order(3,1) Set the execution order to |PI_ctrl_1|,  |PI_ctrl_2|, |Pos_Command_Arbitration|.>
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_open_pcg_model(3,1) Open the test harness.>
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_runTestHarn(1,3) Run the test harness.>
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_set_exec_order(3,2) Change the execution order to |Pos_Command_Arbitration|, |PI_ctrl_1|, |PI_ctrl_2|.>
% # <matlab:RTWDemos.pcgd_runTestHarn(1,3) Run the test harness.>
% The simulation results (throttle position over time) vary slightly
% depending on the order of execution. You can see the difference most clearly when the throttle request changes.  
% <<../execution_order_effects.jpg>>
% For the next example in this series, see
% <docid:ecoder_examples.example-rtwdemo_pcgd_stage_4_p1_script>.
%   Copyright 2007-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.