www.gusucode.com > ecoder 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > ecoder/UseGlobalToHoldTemporaryResultsExample.m

    %% Use Global to Hold Temporary Results
% The code generator uses global and local variables
% when you select |None| versus when you select |Use global to hold temporary|
% |results|.

%% Example Model
% In the model <matlab:rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf>, an Assignment block assigns values coming from the Inport and Constant
% blocks to an output signal. The output signal feeds into a Gain block.
% <<../rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf.png>>
model = 'rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf';
%% Generate Code without Optimization
% # In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the All Parameters tab,
% verify that the *Signal storage reuse* parameter is selected.
% # In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, for the *Optimize global
% access parameter*, select |None| or enter the following command in the
% MATLAB Command Window:
% In your system's temporary folder, create a folder for the
% build and inspection process: 
currentDir = pwd;
[~,cgDir] = rtwdemodir();
% Build the model.

% View the generated code without the optimization. Here is a portion of
% |rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf.c|.
cfile = fullfile(cgDir,'rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf_ert_rtw',...
rtwdemodbtype(cfile,'/* Model step','/* Model initialize',1, 0);

% The code assigns values to the local vector |rtb_Assignment|. The last
% statement copies the values in the local vector |rtb_Assignment| to the
% global vector |rtY.Out1|. Fewer global variable references result in
% improved execution speed. The code uses more instructions for global
% variable references than for local variable references.

% In the Static Code Metrics Report, examine the Global Variables section.
% # In the Code Generation Report window, select *Static Code Metrics Report*.
% # Scroll down to the |Global Variables| section.
% # Select the *[+]* sign before each variable to expand it.
% <<../global_low.png>>
% The total number of reads and writes for global variables is 2.
%% Generate Code with Optimization
% In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, for the *Optimize global
% access parameter*, select |Use global to hold temporary results|, or
% enter the following command in the MATLAB Command Window:
    'GlobalVariableUsage','Use global to hold temporary results');
% Build the model.
% View the generated code with the optimization. Here is a portion of 
% |rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf.c|.
cfile = fullfile(cgDir,'rtwdemo_optimize_global_ebf_ert_rtw',...
rtwdemodbtype(cfile,'/* Model step','/* Model initialize',1, 0);
% The code assigns values to the global vector |rtY.Out1| without using a
% local variable. This assignment improves ROM and RAM consumption and
% reduces data copies. The code places the value in the destination
% variable for each assignment instead of copying the value at the end.
% In the Static Code Metrics Report, examine the Global Variables section.
% <<../global_max.png>>
% As a result of using global variables to hold local results, the total
% number of reads and writes for global variables has increased from 2 to
% 5. This optimization reduces data copies by reusing global variables.
% Close the code generation report.