www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/AssessModelContinuityIntoForecastHorizon1Example.m

    %% Check Model Assumptions for Chow Test
% This example shows how to check the model assumptions for a Chow test.
% The model is of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), with consumer price
% index (CPI) and paid compensation of employees (COE) as predictors. The
% forecast horizon is 2007 - 2009, just before and after the 2008 U.S.
% recession began.
%% Load and Inspect Data
% Load the U.S. macroeconomic data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load Data_USEconModel
% The time series in the data set contain quarterly, macroeconomic
% measurements from 1947 to 2009. For more details, a list of variables,
% and descriptions, enter |Description| at the command line.  
% Extract the predictors, and then the response (the response should
% be the last column).  Focus the sample on observations taken from 1960 -
% 2009.
idx = year(dates) >= 1960; 
y = DataTable.GDP(idx);
X = DataTable{idx,{'CPIAUCSL' 'COE'}};
varNames = {'CPIAUCSL' 'COE' 'GDP'};
dates = dates(idx);
% Identify forecast horizon indices.
fHIdx = year(dates) >= 2007; 
% Plot all series individually. Identify the periods of recession.
axis tight
for j = 1:size(X,2);
    subplot(2,2,j + 1);
    axis tight
% All variables appear to grow exponentially.    Also, around the last
% recession, a decline appears.  Suppose that a linear regreession model of
% GDP onto CPI and COE is appropriate, and you want to test whether there
% is a structural change in the model in 2007.
%% Check Chow Test Assumptions
% Chow tests rely on:
% * Independent, Gaussian-distributed innovations
% * Constancy of the innovations variance within subsamples
% * Constancy of the innovations across any structural breaks
% If a model violates these assumptions, then the Chow test result might
% not be correct, or the Chow test might lack power.  Investigate whether
% the assumptions hold.  If any do not, preprocess the data further.
% Fit the linear model to the entire series.  Include an intercept.
Mdl = fitlm(X,y);
% |Mdl| is a <docid:stats_ug.bsz4dm2-1 |LinearModel|> model object.
% Extract the residuals from the estimated linear model.  Draw two
% histogram plots using the residuals: one with respect to fitted
% values in case order, and the other with respect to the previous residual.
res = Mdl.Residuals.Raw;
% Because the scatter plot of residual vs. lagged residual forms a trend,
% autocorrelation exists in the residuals.  Also, residuals on the
% extremes seem to flare out, which suggests the presence of
% heteroscedasticity.
% Conduct Engle's ARCH test at 5% level of significance to assess whether
% the innovations are heteroscedastic.
[hARCH,pValueARCH] = archtest(res)
% |hARCH = 1| suggests to reject the null hypothesis that the entire
% residual series has no conditional heteroscedasticity.
% Apply the log transformation to all series that appear to grow
% exponentially to reduce the effects of heteroscedasticity. 
y = log(y);
X = log(X);
% To account for autocorrelation, create predictor variables for all
% exponential series by lagging them by one period.
LagMat = lagmatrix([X y],1);
X = [X(2:end,:)  LagMat(2:end,:)]; % Concatenate data and remove first row
fHIdx = fHIdx(2:end);
y = y(2:end);
% Based on the residual diagnostics, choose this linear model for GDP
% $$\texttt{GDP}_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1\texttt{CPIAUCSL}_t + \beta_2
% \texttt{COE}_t + \beta_3\texttt{CPIAUCSL}_{t-1} + \beta_4
% \texttt{COE}_{t-1} + \beta_5\texttt{GDP}_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t.$$
% $\varepsilon_t$ should be a Gaussian series of innovations with mean zero
% and constant variance $\sigma^2$.
% Diagnose the residuals again.
Mdl = fitlm(X,y);

res = Mdl.Residuals.Raw;

[hARCH,pValueARCH] = archtest(res)

SubMdl = {fitlm(X(~fHIdx,:),y(~fHIdx)) fitlm(X(fHIdx,:),y(fHIdx))};
subRes = {SubMdl{1}.Residuals.Raw SubMdl{2}.Residuals.Raw};
[hVT2,pValueVT2] = vartest2(subRes{1},subRes{2})
% The residuals plots and tests suggest that the innovations are
% homoscedastic and uncorrelated.  
% Conduct a  Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to assess whether the innovations are
% Gaussian.
[hKS,pValueKS] = kstest(res/std(res))
% |hKS = 0| suggests to not reject the null hypothesis that the
% innovations are Gaussian.
% For the distributed lag model, the Chow test assumptions appear valid.
%% Conduct Chow Test
% Treating 2007 and beyond as a post-recession regime, test whether the linear
% model is stable.  Specify that the break point is the last quarter of
% 2006. Because the complementary subsample size is greater than the number
% of coefficients, conduct a break point test.
bp = find(~fHIdx,1,'last');
% The test fails to reject the stability of the linear model. Evidence is
% inefficient to infer a structural change between |Q4-2006| and |Q1-2007|.