www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/AssessModelSpecificationsUsingTheWaldTestExample.m

    %% Assess Model Specifications Using the Wald Test
% Check for significant lag effects in a time series regression model.
% Load the U.S. GDP data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load Data_GDP
% Plot the GDP against time.
% The series seems to increase exponentially.
% Transform the data using the natural logarithm.
logGDP = log(Data);
% |logGDP| is increasing in time, so assume that there is a significant lag
% 1 effect.  To use the Wald test to check if there is a significant lag 2
% effect, you need the:
% * Estimated coefficients of the unrestricted model
% * Restriction function evaluated at the unrestricted model coefficient values
% * Jacobian of the restriction function evaluated at the unrestricted model coefficient values
% * Estimated, unrestricted parameter covariance matrix. 
% The unrestricted model is 
% $$y_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1 y_{t-1} + \beta_2 y_{t-2} + \varepsilon_t.$$
% Estimate the coefficients of the unrestricted model.
LagLGDP = lagmatrix(logGDP,1:2);
UMdl = fitlm(table(LagLGDP(:,1),LagLGDP(:,2),logGDP));
% |UMdl| is a fitted |LinearModel| model.  It contains, among other things,
% the fitted coefficients of the unrestricted model.
% The restriction is $\beta_2 = 0$.  Therefore, the restiction function
% (_r_) and Jacobian (_R_) are:
% * $r = \beta_2$
% * $R = \left[\matrix{0 & 0 & 1}\right]$
% Specify _r_, _R_, and the estimated, unrestricted parameter covariance
% matrix.
r = UMdl.Coefficients.Estimate(3);
R = [0 0 1];
EstParamCov = UMdl.CoefficientCovariance;
% Test for a significant lag 2 effect using the Wald test.
[h,pValue] = waldtest(r,R,EstParamCov)
% |h = 1| indicates that the null, restricted hypothesis ($\beta_2 = 0$)
% should be rejected in favor of the alternative, unrestricted hypothesis.
% |pValue| is quite small, which suggests that there is strong evidence for
% this result.