www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/AssessModelStabilityUsingRollingWindowAnalysisExample.m

    %% Assess Model Stability Using Rolling Window Analysis
% This example shows how to use a rolling window to check whether the
% parameters of a time-series model are time invariant.  This example
% analyzes two time series:
% * Time-series 1: simulated data from a known, time-invariant model
% * Time-series 2: simulated data from a known, time-varying model
% Completely specify this AR(1) model for Time-series 1: 
% $$y_t = 0.6 y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t$$
% where $\varepsilon_t$ is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance 1.  Completely
% specify this time-varying model for Time-series 2: 
% $$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% {{y_t} = 0.2{y_{t - 1}} + {\varepsilon _t}{\rm{; }}t = 1,...,100}\\
% {{y_t} = 0.75{y_{t - 1}} + {\varepsilon _t}{\rm{; }}t = 101,...,150}\\
% {{y_t} =  - 0.5{y_{t - 1}} + {\varepsilon _t}{\rm{; }}t = 151,...,200},
% \end{array}$$
% where $\varepsilon_t$ is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance 1.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

Mdl1 = arima('AR',0.6,'Constant',0,'Variance',1);

Mdl2 = cell(3,1); % Preallocate
ARMdl2 = [0.2 0.75 -0.5];
for j = 1:3;    
    Mdl2{j} = arima('AR',ARMdl2(j),'Constant',0,'Variance',1);
% |Mdl1| is an |arima| model objects.  You can access its 
% properties using dot notation.  |Mdl2| is a cell array of |arima| model
% objects.  You can you cell indexing and dot notation to access properties
% of the models within |Mdl2|.  For example, to access the AR parameter
% value of the third model in |Mdl3|, enter |Mdl2{3}.AR|.
% Simulate |T| = 200 periods of data from |Mdl1| and |Mdl2|. Use a presample
% response of 0 for both series.
rng(1); % For reproducibility
T = 200;
y1 = simulate(Mdl1,T,'Y0',0);
timeMdl2 = [100 50 50]; % Number of observations per model in Mdl2
y2 = 0;
for k = 1:numel(Mdl2);
    y2 = [y2; simulate(Mdl2{k},timeMdl2(k),'Y0',y2(end))];

Y = [y1 y2(2:end)];
% Specify empty AR(1) models for the estimation of |Mdl1|, |Mdl2|, and
% |Mdl3|. Estimate all three models using the respective data sets and a
% rolling window size of 40 periods.  Also, use a rolling window increment
% of one period.  Store the autoregressive parameters and estimated
% innovations variance.
ToEstMdl = arima('ARLags',1,'Constant',0);

m = 100;       % Rolling window size
N = T - m + 1; % Number of rolling windows

EstParams = cell(2,1);     % Preallocate for estimates
EstParamsMat = zeros(N,2);
EstParamsSE = cell(2,1);
EstParamsSEMat = zeros(N,2);

for j = 1:2;
    for k = 1:N;
        idxRW =  k:(m + k - 1); % In-sample indices
        [EstMdl,EstParamCov] = estimate(ToEstMdl,Y(idxRW,j),'Display','off');
        EstParamsMat(k,:) = [EstMdl.AR{1} EstMdl.Variance];
        EstParamsSEMat(k,:) = sqrt([EstParamCov(2,2) EstParamCov(3,3)]);
    EstParams{j} = EstParamsMat;
    EstParamsSE{j} = EstParamsSEMat;
% Plot the estimates and their point-wise confidence intervals over the rolling window index.
titleMdls = {'Mdl1','Mdl2'};

for j = 1:2;
    Estimates = EstParams{j};
    SEs = EstParamsSE{j};
    hold on;
    plot(Estimates(:,1) + 2*SEs(:,1),'r:','LineWidth',2);
    plot(Estimates(:,1) - 2*SEs(:,1),'r:','LineWidth',2);
    title(sprintf('%s - AR at Lag 1 Estimate',titleMdls{j}));
    xlabel 'Rolling window index';
    axis tight;
    hold off;
    hold on;
    plot(Estimates (:,2) + 2*SEs(:,2),'r:','LineWidth',2);
    plot(Estimates(:,2) - 2*SEs(:,2),'r:','LineWidth',2);
    title(sprintf('%s - Variance Estimate',titleMdls{j}));
    xlabel 'Rolling window index';
    axis tight;
    hold off;
% For |Mdl1|, the AR estimate does not vary much from 0.6, and the
% estimates are not significantly different from one another (pair-wise).
% Similar results occur for the variance of |Mdl1|.  The AR estimate of
% |Mdl2| grows, and then falls, which indicates time dependence.  Also,
% based on the confidence intervals, there is evidence that some 
% estimates differ from others.  Though the variance did not change
% during simulation, there seems to be heteroscedasticity possibly induced
% by the instability of the model.