www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/ChangeColorandTransparencyofRecessionBandsExample.m

    %% Change Color and Transparency of Recession Bands  
% Overlay recession bands on a plot of multiple time series. Return the
% handles of the recession bands so you can change their color and transparency.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Load data on credit defaults, and extract the predictor variables in the
% first four columns. 
load Data_CreditDefaults
X0 = Data(:,1:4);
T0 = size(X0,1);  

% Convert dates to serial date numbers, and then plot the four time series. 
dates = datenum([dates,ones(T0,2)]);

h = gca;
h.XTick = dates(1:2:end);
xlabel 'Year';
ylabel 'Level';
axis tight     

% Overlay recession bands, returning the handles to the bands. Change the
% band color to red and increase the transparency. 
hBands = recessionplot;