www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/ConvertStructuralVARMAModelToVECModelExample.m

    %% Convert VARMA Model to VEC Model
% Approximate the coefficients of the VEC model that represents
% this stationary and invertible VARMA(8,4) model that is in lag
% operator form
% $$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}\left\{ {\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% 1&{0.2}&{ - 0.1}\\
% {0.03}&1&{ - 0.15}\\
% {0.9}&{ - 0.25}&1
% \end{array}} \right] + \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% {0.5}&{-0.2}&{-0.1}\\
% {-0.3}&{-0.1}&{0.1}\\
% {0.4}&{-0.2}&{-0.05}
% \end{array}} \right]{L^4} + \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% {0.05}&{-0.02}&{-0.01}\\
% {-0.1}&{-0.01}&{-0.001}\\
% {0.04}&{-0.02}&{-0.005}
% \end{array}} \right]{L^8}} \right\}{y_t} =\\ 
% \left\{ {\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% { 1}&{0}&{0}\\
% {0}&{1}&{0}\\
% {0}&{0}&{1}
% \end{array}} \right] + \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% { - 0.02}&{ 0.03}&{0.3}\\
% {0.003}&{0.001}&{0.01}\\
% { 0.3}&{0.01}&{0.01}
% \end{array}} \right]{L^4}} \right\}{\varepsilon _t}\end{array}$$
% where $y_t = \left[y_{1t}\;\;\;y_{2t}\;\;\;y_{3t}\right]'$ and $\varepsilon_t =
% \left[\varepsilon_{1t}\;\;\;\varepsilon_{2t}\;\;\;\varepsilon_{3t}\right]'$.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Create a cell vector containing the VAR coefficient matrices.  Start with
% the coefficient of $y_t$, and then enter the rest in order by lag.
% Construct a vector that indicates the degree of the lag term for the
% corresponding coefficients.
VAR0 = {[1 0.2 -0.1; 0.03 1 -0.15; 0.9 -0.25 1],...
    [0.5 -0.2 -0.1; -0.3 -0.1 0.1; 0.4 -0.2 -0.05],...
    [0.05 -0.02 -0.01; -0.1 -0.01 -0.001; 0.04 -0.02 -0.005]};
var0Lags = [0 4 8];
% Create a cell vector containing the VMA coefficients matrices.  Start
% with the coefficient of $\varepsilon_t$, and then enter the rest in order
% by lag.  Construct a vector that indicates the degree of the lag term for
% the corresponding coefficients.
VMA0 = {eye(3),...
    [-0.02 0.03 0.3; 0.003 0.001 0.01; 0.3 0.01 0.01]};
vma0Lags = [0 4];
% |arma2ma| requires |LagOp| lag operator polynomials for input arguments
% that comprise structural VAR or VMA models. Construct separate |LagOp|
% polynomials that describe the VAR(8) and VMA(4) components of the
% VARMA(8,4) model.
VARLag = LagOp(VAR0,'Lags',var0Lags);
VMALag = LagOp(VMA0,'Lags',vma0Lags);
% |VARLag| and |VMALag| are |LagOp| lag operator polynomials that
% describe the VAR and VMA components of the VARMA model.
% Convert the VARMA(8,4) model to a VAR(_p_) model by obtaining the
% coefficients of the truncated approximation of the infinite-lag
% polynomial.  Set |numLags| to return at most 12 lagged terms.
numLags = 12;
VAR = arma2ar(VARLag,VMALag,numLags)
% |VAR| is a |LagOP| lag operator polynomial.  All coefficients except
% those corresponding to lags 0, 4, 8, and 12 are 3-by-3 matrices of zeros.
% The coefficients in |VAR.Coefficients| comprise a structural VAR(12) model
% approximation of the original VARMA(8,4) model.
% Compute the coefficients of the VEC(11) model equivalent to the resulting
% VAR(12) model.
[VEC,C] = var2vec(VAR)
% |VEC| is a |LagOp| lag operator polynomial containing the coefficient
% matrices of the resulting VEC(11) model in |VEC.Coefficients|.
% |VEC.Coefficients{0}| is the coefficient of $\Delta y_t$, |Vec{1}| is the
% coefficient of $\Delta y_{t-1}$, and so on.
% Display the nonzero coefficients of the resulting VEC model. 
lag2Idx = VEC.Lags + 1; % Lags start at 0.  Add 1 to convert to indices.
VecCoeff = toCellArray(VEC);

for j = 1:numel(lag2Idx)
    fprintf('___________Lag %d__________\n',lag2Idx(j) - 1)
    fprintf('%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f \n',VecCoeff{lag2Idx(j)})
    fprintf    ('__________________________\n')