www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/EstimateParametersofaRegressionModelwithARIMAErrorsUsingExample.m

    %% Estimate Parameters of a Regression Model with ARIMA Errors Using Initial Values  
% Fit a regression model with ARMA(1,1) errors by regressing the log GDP
% onto the CPI and using initial values.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Load the US Macroeconomic data set and preprocess the data. 
load Data_USEconModel;
logGDP = log(DataTable.GDP);
dlogGDP = diff(logGDP);        % For stationarity
dCPI = diff(DataTable.CPIAUCSL); % For stationarity
T = length(dlogGDP);           % Effective sample size  

% Specify an "empty" regression model with ARMA(1,1) errors. 
ToEstMdl = regARIMA(1,0,1);  

% Fit the model to the first half of the data. 
EstMdl0 = estimate(ToEstMdl,dlogGDP(1:ceil(T/2)),...

% The result is a new |regARIMA| model with the estimated parameters.  

% Use the estimated parameters as initial values for fitting the second
% half of the data. 
Intercept0 = EstMdl0.Intercept;
AR0        = EstMdl0.AR{1};
MA0        = EstMdl0.MA{1};
Variance0  = EstMdl0.Variance;
Beta0      = EstMdl0.Beta;

[EstMdl,~,~,info] = estimate(ToEstMdl,...

% Display all of the parameter estimates using |info.X|. 

% The order of the parameter estimates in |info.X| matches the order that
% |estimate| displays in its output table.