www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/EstimateParametersofaRegressionModelwithARIMAErrorsWithoExample.m

    %% Estimate Parameters of Regression Model Containing ARIMA Errors Without Initial Values  
% Fit this regression model with ARMA(2,1) errors to simulated data: 
% $$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}
% \begin{array}{c}
% {y_t} = {X_t}\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% {0.1}\\
% { - 0.2}
% \end{array}} \right] + {u_t}\\
% {u_t} = 0.5{u_{t - 1}} - 0.8{u_{t - 2}} + {\varepsilon _t} - 0.5{\varepsilon _{t - 1}},
% \end{array}
% \end{array}$$
% where $\varepsilon_{t}$ is Gaussian with variance 0.1.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Specify the regression model ARMA(2,1) errors. Simulate responses from
% the model and two predictor series. 
Mdl = regARIMA('Intercept',0,'AR',{0.5 -0.8}, ...
    'MA',-0.5,'Beta',[0.1 -0.2],'Variance',0.1);
X =  randn(100,2);
y = simulate(Mdl,100,'X',X);  

% Specify a regression model with ARMA(2,1) errors with no intercept, and
% unknown coefficients and variance. 
ToEstMdl = regARIMA(2,0,1);
ToEstMdl.Intercept = 0 % Exclude the intercept 

% The AR coefficients, MA coefficients, and the innovation variance
% are |NaN| values. |estimate| estimates those parameters, but not the intercept.
% The intercept is held fixed at 0.  

% Fit the regression model with ARMA(2,1) errors to the data. 
EstMdl = estimate(ToEstMdl,y,'X',X,'Display','params'); 

% The result, |EstMdl|, is a new |regARIMA| model. The estimates in |EstMdl|
% resemble the parameter values that generated the simulated data.