www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/EstimateWhitesRobustCovarianceforOLSCoefficientEstimatesExample.m

    %% Estimate White's Robust Covariance for OLS Coefficient Estimates  
% Model an automobile's price with its curb weight, engine size, and cylinder
% bore diameter using the linear model: 
% $$\texttt{price}_i = {\beta _0} + {\beta _1}\texttt{curbWeight}_i + {\beta _2}\texttt{engineSize}_i + {\beta _3}\texttt{bore}_i + {\varepsilon _i}.$$
% Estimate model coefficients and White's robust covariance.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Load the 1985 automobile imports data set (Frank and Asuncion, 2012).
% Extract the columns that correspond to the predictor and response variables. 
load imports-85
Tbl = table(X(:,7),X(:,8),X(:,9),X(:,15),...

% Fit the linear model to the data and plot the residuals versus the fitted
% values.
Mdl = fitlm(Tbl);

% The residuals seem to flare out, which indicates heteroscedasticity.  

% Compare the coefficient covariance estimate from OLS and from using |hac|
% to calculate White's heteroscedasticity robust estimate. 
[LSCov,LSSe,coeff] = hac(Mdl,'type','HC','weights',...
    %Usual OLS estimates, also found in 
[WhiteCov,WhiteSe,coeff] = hac(Mdl,'type','HC','weights',...
   'HC0','display','off'); % White's estimates

% The OLS coefficient covariance estimate is not equal to White's robust
% estimate because the latter accounts for the heteroscedasticity in the
% residuals.