www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/EstimatetheNeweyWestOLSCoefficientCovarianceMatrixExample.m

    %% Estimate the Newey-West OLS Coefficient Covariance Matrix  
% Model nominal GNP (|GNPN|) with consumer price index (|CPI|), real wages
% (|WR|), and the money stock (|MS|) using the linear model: 
% $$\texttt{GNPN}_i = {\beta _0} + {\beta _1}\texttt{CPI}_i + {\beta _2}\texttt{WR}_i + {\beta _3}\texttt{MS}_i + \varepsilon_i.$$
% Estimate the model coefficients and the Newey-West OLS coefficient covariance
% matrix.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Load the Nelson Plosser data set. 
load Data_NelsonPlosser
Tbl = DataTable(:,[8,10,11,2]);  % Tabular array containing the variables
T = sum(~any(ismissing(Tbl),2)); % Remove NaNs to obtain sample size

y = Tbl{:,4};   % Numeric response
X = Tbl{:,1:3}; % Numeric matrix of predictors  
% Fit the linear model. Remove the beginning block of |NaN| values in the residual
% vector for |autocorr|. 
Mdl = fitlm(X,y);
resid = Mdl.Residuals.Raw(~isnan(Mdl.Residuals.Raw));
hold on
axis tight
plot([min(Mdl.Fitted) max(Mdl.Fitted)],[0 0],'k-')
title('Residual Plot')
xlabel('$\hat y$','Interpreter','latex')
axis tight

% The residual plot exhibits signs of heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation,
% and possibly model misspecification. The sample autocorrelation function
% clearly exhibits autocorrelation.  

% Calculate the lag selection parameter for the standard Newey-West HAC
% estimate (Andrews and Monohan, 1992). 
maxLag = floor(4*(T/100)^(2/9));  

% Estimate the standard Newey-West OLS coefficient covariance using |hac|
% by setting the bandwidth to |maxLag| + 1. Display the OLS coefficient
% estimates, their standard errors, and the covariance matrix. 
EstCov = hac(X,y,'bandwidth',maxLag+1,'display','full'); 

% The first column in the output contains the OLS estimates (${\hat \beta
% _0},...,{\hat \beta _3}$, respectively), and the second column contains
% their standard errors. The last four columns contained in the table
% represent the estimated coefficient covariance matrix. For example,
% $Cov({\hat \beta _1},{\hat \beta _2}) =  - 0.2960$.

% Alternatively, pass in a tabular array to |hac|. 
EstCov = hac(Tbl,'bandwidth',maxLag+1,'display','off'); 

% The advantage of passing in a tabular array is that the top and left
% margins of the covariance table use the variable names.