www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/ForecastaUnitRootNonstationaryProcessUsingMonteCarloSimuExample.m

    %% Forecast a Unit Root Nonstationary Process Using Monte Carlo Simulations  
% Regress the unit root nonstationary, quarterly log GDP onto the CPI using
% a regression model with ARIMA(1,1,1) errors with known intercept. Forecast
% log GDP using Monte Carlo simulation.   

% Load the US Macroeconomic data set and preprocess the data. 
load Data_USEconModel;
numObs = length(DataTable.GDP);
logGDP = log(DataTable.GDP(1:end-15));
cpi = DataTable.CPIAUCSL(1:end-15);
T = length(logGDP);
frstHzn =  T+1:numObs;                % Forecast horizon
hoCPI = DataTable.CPIAUCSL(frstHzn);  % Holdout sample  

% Fit a regression model with ARIMA(1,1,1). The intercept is not identifiable
% in a model with integrated errors, so fix its value before estimation. 
intercept = 5.867;
ToEstMdl = regARIMA('ARLags',1,'MALags',1,'D',1,...
EstMdl = estimate(ToEstMdl,logGDP,'X',cpi);  

% Infer unconditional disturbances. 
[~,u0] = infer(EstMdl,logGDP,'X',cpi);  

% Simulate 1000 paths with 15 observations each. Use the inferred unconditional
% disturbances as presample data. 
rng(1); % For reproducibility
GDPF = simulate(EstMdl,15,'NumPaths',1000,...

% Plot the simulation mean forecast and approximate 95% forecast intervals. 
lower = prctile(GDPF,2.5,2);
upper = prctile(GDPF,97.5,2);
mn = mean(GDPF,2);

hold on
h1 = plot(dates(frstHzn),lower,'r:','LineWidth',2);
h2 = plot(dates(frstHzn),mn,'k','LineWidth',2);
h = gca;
ph = patch([repmat(dates(frstHzn(1)),1,2) repmat(dates(frstHzn(end)),1,2)],...
    [h.YLim fliplr(h.YLim)],...
    [0 0 0 0],'b');
ph.FaceAlpha = 0.1;
legend([h1 h2],{'95% Interval','Simulation Mean'},'Location','NorthWest',...
axis tight
title('{\bf log GDP Forecast - 15 Quarter Horizon}')
hold off    

% The unconditional disturbances, $u_{t}$, are nonstationary, therefore
% the widths of the forecast intervals grow with time.