www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/GenerateImpulseResponsesForAVARModelExample.m

    %% Generate Impulse Responses for a VAR model
% This example shows how to generate impulse responses of an interest rate
% shock on real GDP using |vgxproc|.
% Load the |Data_USEconModel| data set. This example uses two time series:
% the logarithm of real GDP, and the real 3-month T-bill rate, both
% differenced to be approximately stationary. Suppose that a VAR(4) model
% is appropriate to describe the time series.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load Data_USEconModel
DEF = log(DataTable.CPIAUCSL);
GDP = log(DataTable.GDP);
rGDP = diff(GDP - DEF); % Real GDP is GDP - deflation
TB3 = 0.01*DataTable.TB3MS;
dDEF = 4*diff(DEF); % Scaling
rTB3 = TB3(2:end) - dDEF; % Real interest is deflated
Y = [rGDP,rTB3];
% Define the forecast horizon.
FDates = datenum({'30-Jun-2009'; '30-Sep-2009'; '31-Dec-2009';
'31-Mar-2010'; '30-Jun-2010'; '30-Sep-2010'; '31-Dec-2010';
'31-Mar-2011'; '30-Jun-2011'; '30-Sep-2011'; '31-Dec-2011';
'31-Mar-2012'; '30-Jun-2012'; '30-Sep-2012'; '31-Dec-2012';
'31-Mar-2013'; '30-Jun-2013'; '30-Sep-2013'; '31-Dec-2013';
'31-Mar-2014'; '30-Jun-2014' });
FT = numel(FDates);
% Fit a VAR(4) model specification:
Spec = vgxset('n',2,'nAR',4,'Constant',true);
impSpec = vgxvarx(Spec,Y(5:end,:),[],Y(1:4,:));
impSpec = vgxset(impSpec,'Series',...
  {'Transformed real GDP','Transformed real 3-mo T-bill rate'});
% Generate the innovations processes both with and without an impulse (shock):
W0 = zeros(FT, 2); % Innovations without a shock
W1 = W0;
W1(1,2) = sqrt(impSpec.Q(2,2)); % Innovations with a shock
% Generate the processes with and without the shock:
Yimpulse = vgxproc(impSpec,W1,[],Y); % Process with shock
Ynoimp = vgxproc(impSpec,W0,[],Y); % Process with no shock
% Undo the scaling for the GDP processes:
Yimp1 = exp(cumsum(Yimpulse(:,1))); % Undo scaling
Ynoimp1 = exp(cumsum(Ynoimp(:,1)));
% Compute and plot the relative difference between the calculated GDPs:
RelDiff = (Yimp1 - Ynoimp1) ./ Yimp1;
'Impact of Interest Rate Shock on Real Gross Domestic Product')
ylabel('% Change')
% The graph shows that an increased interest rate causes a dip in the real
% GDP for a short time. Afterwards the real GDP begins to climb again,
% reaching its former level in about 1 year.