www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/IllustrateRegARIMAToARIMAXConversionExample.m

    %% Illustrate regARIMA to ARIMAX conversion
%% Specify the regARIMA model

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

Mdl1 = regARIMA('Intercept',0.2,'AR',{0.8 -0.4},...
               'MA',0.3,'Beta',[0.3 -0.2],'Variance',0.2);
%% Generate presample observations
rng(1);   % For reproducibility
T = 100;
maxPQ = max(Mdl1.P,Mdl1.Q);
numObs  = T + maxPQ;...
    % Adjust number of observations to account for presample
X1 = randn(numObs,2); % Simulate predictor data
u0 = randn(maxPQ,1);  % Presample unconditional disturbances u(t)
e0 = randn(maxPQ,1);  % Presample innovations e(t)
%% Simulate from Mdl1
rng(100) % For reproducibility
[y1,e1,u1] = simulate(Mdl1,T,'U0',u0,...
%% Convert Mdl1 to ARIMAX
[Mdl2,X2] = arima(Mdl1,'X',X1);
%% Generate presample responses for the ARIMAX model and simulate
y0 = Mdl1.Intercept + X1(1:maxPQ,:)*Mdl1.Beta' + u0;
y2 = simulate(Mdl2,T,'Y0',y0,'E0',e0,'X',X2);

hold on
hold off
title('{\bf Simulated Paths for Both Models}')
legend('regARIMA Model','ARIMAX Model','Location','Best')
%% Fit a regARIMA model to the data
ToEstMdl1 = regARIMA('ARLags',[1 2],'MALags',1);
EstMdl1 = estimate(ToEstMdl1,y1,'E0',e0,'U0',u0,'X',X1);
%% Fit ARIMAX to the simulated data
ToEstMdl2 = arima('ARLags',[1 2],'MALags',1);
EstMdl2 = estimate(ToEstMdl2,y2,'E0',e0,'Y0',...
%% Convert EstMdl1 to ARIMAX
ConvertedMdl2 = arima(EstMdl1,'X',X1)