www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/MAModelwithatInnovationDistributionExample.m

    %% MA Model with a t Innovation Distribution  
% This example shows how to specify an MA(_q_) model with a Student's _t_
% innovation distribution.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Specify an MA(2) model with no constant term, 
% $${y_t} = {\varepsilon _t} + {\theta _1}{\varepsilon _{t - 1}} + {\theta _2}{\varepsilon _{t - 2}},$$
% where the innovation process follows a Student's _t_ distribution with
% eight degrees of freedom. 
tdist = struct('Name','t','DoF',8);
model = arima('Constant',0,'MALags',1:2,'Distribution',tdist) 

% The value of |Distribution| is a |struct| array with field |Name| equal
% to |'t'| and field |DoF| equal to |8|. When you specify the degrees of
% freedom, they aren't estimated if you input the model to |estimate|.