www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/ParametricTrendEstimationExample.m

    %% Parametric Trend Estimation  
% This example shows how to estimate nonseasonal and seasonal trend components
% using parametric models. The time series is monthly accidental deaths
% in the U.S. from 1973 to 1978 (Brockwell and Davis, 2002).   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Step 1: Load the Data 
% Load the accidental deaths data set.
y = Data;
T = length(y);

h1 = gca;
h1.XLim = [0,T];
h1.XTick = 1:12:T;
h1.XTickLabel = datestr(dates(1:12:T),10);
title 'Monthly Accidental Deaths';
ylabel 'Number of Deaths (in thousands)';
hold on    
% The data shows a potential quadratic trend and a strong seasonal component
% with periodicity 12.  

%% Step 2: Fit Quadratic Trend
% Fit the polynomial
% $$T_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1t + \beta_2t^2$$
% to the observed series.  
t = (1:T)';
X = [ones(T,1) t t.^2];

b = X\y;
tH = X*b;
h2 = plot(tH/1000,'r','LineWidth',2);
legend(h2,'Quadratic Trend Estimate')
hold off
%% Step 3. Detrend Original Series. 
% Subtract the fitted quadratic line from the original data. 
xt = y - tH;  

%% Step 4. Estimate Seasonal Indicator Variables
% Create indicator (dummy) variables for each month. The first indicator
% is equal to one for January observations, and zero otherwise. The second
% indicator is equal to one for February observations, and zero otherwise.
% A total of 12 indicator variables are created for the 12 months. Regress
% the detrended series against the seasonal indicators. 
mo = repmat((1:12)',6,1);
sX = dummyvar(mo);
bS = sX\xt;
st = sX*bS;

title 'Parametric Estimate of Seasonal Component (Indicators)';
h3 = gca;
h3.XLim = [0,T];
ylabel 'Number of Deaths (in thousands)';
h3.XTick = 1:12:T;
h3.XTickLabel = datestr(dates(1:12:T),10);  
% In this regression, all 12 seasonal indicators are included in the design
% matrix. To prevent collinearity, an intercept term is not included (alternatively,
% you can include 11 indicators and an intercept term).  

%% Step 5. Deseasonalize Original Series
% Subtract the estimated seasonal component from the original series. 
dt = y - st;

title 'Monthly Accidental Deaths (Deseasonalized)';
h4 = gca;
h4.XLim = [0,T];
ylabel 'Number of Deaths (in thousands)';
h4.XTick = 1:12:T;
h4.XTickLabel = datestr(dates(1:12:T),10);   
% The quadratic trend is much clearer with the seasonal component removed.  

%% Step 6. Estimate Irregular Component
% Subtract the trend and seasonal estimates from the original series. The
% remainder is an estimate of the irregular component. 
bt = y - tH - st;

title('Irregular Component')
h5 = gca;
h5.XLim = [0,T];
ylabel 'Number of Deaths (in thousands)';
h5.XTick = 1:12:T;
h5.XTickLabel = datestr(dates(1:12:T),10);    
% You can optionally model the irregular component using a stochastic process
% model.
% References: 
% Box, G. E. P., G. M. Jenkins, and G. C. Reinsel. _Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control_. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994.