www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/SpecifyLagStructureInAnARCHTestExample.m

    %% Specify the Lag Structure in an ARCH Test
% To draw valid inferences from Engle's ARCH test, you should determine a
% suitable number of lags for the model.  Do this by fitting the model over
% a range of plausible lags, and comparing the fitted models.  Choose the
% number of lags that yields the best fitting model for the ARCH test.
%% Load and Process the Data
% Load the NASDAQ data included in the toolbox. Convert the daily close
% composite index series to a percentage return series.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load Data_EquityIdx;
price = DataTable.NASDAQ;
ret = 100*price2ret(price);
T = length(ret);

title('NASDAQ Daily Returns')
% The last quarter of the return series seems to have higher variance than
% the first three quarters.  This volatile behavior indicates conditional
% heteroscedasticity.  Also, the series seems to fluctuate at a constant
% level.

% The returns are of relatively high frequency. Therefore, the daily
% changes can be small. For numerical stability, it is good practice to
% scale such data.

%% Determine a Suitable Number of Lags
% Fit the model over a grid of lags.  Choose the number of lags that
% corresponds to the best fitting model.
numLags = 4;
logL = zeros(numLags,1); % Preallocate fit statistics

for k = 1:numLags
    Mdl = garch(0,k); % Specify garch model
    [~,~,logL(k)] = estimate(Mdl,ret,'Display','off'); % Obtain loglikelihood

fitStats = aicbic(logL,1:numLags); % Get AIC
lags = find(min(fitStats)) % Obtain suitable number of lags
% |lags = 1| indicates that it is reasonable to conduct the ARCH test using
% one lag.
%% Conduct the ARCH Test
% Calculate the residuals, and use them to conduct the ARCH test at a 1%
% significance level.
r = ret - mean(ret); % Returns fluctuate at constant level
[h,pValue,stat,cValue] = archtest(ret,'Lags',lags,'Alpha',0.01)
% |h = 1| indicates that the software rejects the null hypothesis of no
% ARCH effects.  |pValue = 0| indicates that the evidence is strong for the
% rejection of the null.