www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/TestTrendStationarityBySpecifyingLagsExample.m

    %% Test Trend Stationarity by Specifying Lags
% Test whether the wage series in the manufacturing sector (1900-1970) has a
% unit root.
% Load the Nelson-Plosser Macroeconomic data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load Data_NelsonPlosser
wages = DataTable.WN;
T = sum(isfinite(wages)); % Sample size without NaNs
sqrtT = sqrt(T) % See Kwiatkowski et al., 1992
% Plot the wages series.
axis tight
% The plot suggests that the wages series grows exponentially.
% Linearize the wages series.
logWages = log(wages);
title('Log Wages')
axis tight
% The plot suggests that the log wages series has a linear trend.
% Test the hypothesis that the log wages series is a unit root process with
% a trend (i.e., difference stationary), against the alternative that there
% is no unit root (i.e., trend stationary). Conduct the test by setting a
% range of lags around $\sqrt{T}$, as suggested in Kwiatkowski et al.,
% 1992.
[h,pValue] = kpsstest(logWages,'lags',[7:10])
% All tests fail to reject the null hypothesis that the log wages series is
% trend stationary.  
% The warning messages do not indicate a problem. Rather, they indicate that the p-values are larger than 0.1. The software
% compares the test statistic to critical values and computes p-values that
% it interpolates from tables in Kwiatkowski et al., 1992.