www.gusucode.com > econ 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > econ/TransientEffectsBeginTheSeriesExample.m

    %% Transient Effects Begin the Series
% This example examines regression lines of regression models with ARMA
% errors when the transient effects occur at the beginning of each
% series.
% Specify the regression model with ARMA(2,1) errors:
% $$y_t=3 + 2X_t + u_t$$
% $$u_t=0.9u_{t-2} - 0.4u_{t-2}+\varepsilon_t + 0.8\varepsilon_{t-1},$$
% where $\varepsilon_t$ is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance 1. Plot the
% impulse response function.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

Mdl = regARIMA('AR',{0.9,-0.4},'MA',{0.8},'Beta',2,...

% The unconditional disturbances seem to settle at the 10th lag.
% Therefore, the transient effects end after the 10th lag.
% Simulate a univariate, Gaussian predictor series with mean 0 and variance
%  1. Simulate 100 paths from |Mdl|. Truncate the response and predictor
%  data sets to remove the transient effects.
rng(5);         % For reproducibility
T = 50;         % Sample size
numPaths = 100; % Number of paths

X = linspace(-3,3,T)' + randn(T,1)*0.1;        % Full predictor series
Y = simulate(Mdl,T,'numPaths',numPaths,'X',X); % Full response series

endTrans = 10;
truncX = X((endTrans+1):end);   % Predictor without transient effects    
truncY = Y((endTrans+1):end,:); % Response without transient effects
% Fit the model to each simulated response path separately for the full and
% truncated series.
ToEstMdl = regARIMA(2,0,1); % Empty model for estimation
beta1 = zeros(2,numPaths);
beta2 = beta1;

for i = 1:numPaths 
    EstMdl1 = estimate(ToEstMdl,Y(:,i),'X',X,'display','off');
    EstMdl2 = estimate(ToEstMdl,truncY(:,i),'X',truncX,'display','off');
    beta1(:,i) = [EstMdl1.Intercept; EstMdl1.Beta];
    beta2(:,i) = [EstMdl2.Intercept; EstMdl2.Beta];
% |beta1| is a 2-by- |numPaths| matrix containing the estimated intercepts
% and slopes for each simulated data set.  |beta2| is a 2-by- |numPaths| 
% matrix containing the estimated intercepts and slopes for the truncated,
% simulated data sets.
% Compare the simulated regression lines between the full and truncated
% series. For one of the paths, plot the simulated data and its
% corresponding regression lines.
betaBar1 = mean(beta1,2);
betaBar2 = mean(beta2,2);
fprintf('Data      | Sim. Mean of Intercept    | Sim. Mean of Slope\n')
fprintf('Full      | %0.6g                   | %0.6g\n',betaBar1(1),betaBar1(2))
fprintf('Truncated | %0.6g                   | %0.6g\n',betaBar2(1),betaBar2(2))
hold on
plot([min(X) max(X)],beta1(1,1) + beta1(2,1)*[min(X) max(X)],'b')
plot([min(truncX) max(truncX)],...
    beta2(1,1) + beta2(2,1)*[min(truncX) max(truncX)],'r')
legend('Data','Truncated Data','Full Data Regression',...
    'Truncated Data Regression','Location','NorthWest')
text(0,-3,sprintf('\\beta_0 = %0.4g',beta1(1,1)),'Color',[0,0,1])
text(0,-5,sprintf('\\beta_0 = %0.4g',beta2(1,1)),'Color',[1,0,0])
text(2,-3,sprintf('\\beta_1 = %0.4g',beta1(2,1)),'Color',[0,0,1])
text(2,-5,sprintf('\\beta_1 = %0.4g',beta2(2,1)),'Color',[1,0,0])
hold off
% The table in the Command Window displays the simulation averages of the
% intercept and slope of the regression model. The results suggest that, on
% average, the regression lines corresponding to the full data and
% truncated data have slightly different intercepts and slopes. In other
% words, transient effects slightly affect regression estimates.
% The plot displays the data and regression lines for one simulated path.
% The transient effects seem to affect the results more severely.