www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/FirstToDefaultSwapsExample.m

    %% First-to-Default Swaps
% This example shows how to price first-to-default (FTD) swaps under the
% homogeneous loss assumption.
% A first-to-default swap is an instrument that pays a predetermined amount
% when (and if) the first of a basket of credit instruments defaults. The
% credit instruments in the basket are usually bonds. If we assume that the
% loss amount following a credit event is the same for all credits in the
% basket, we are under the _homogeneous loss_ assumption. This assumption
% makes models simpler, because any default in the basket triggers the same
% payment amount. This example is an implementation of the pricing
% methodology for these instruments, as described in O'Kane [2]. There are
% two steps in the methodology: a) Compute the survival probability for the
% basket numerically; b) Use this survival curve and standard single-name
% credit-default swap (CDS) functionality to find FTD spreads and to price
% existing FTD swaps.

% Copyright 2010-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Fit Probability Curves to Market Data
% Given CDS market quotes for each issuer in the basket, use |cdsbootstrap|
% to calibrate individual default probability curves for each issuer.

% Interest rate curve
ZeroDates = datenum({'17-Jan-10','17-Jul-10','17-Jul-11','17-Jul-12',...
ZeroRates = [1.35 1.43 1.9 2.47 2.936 3.311]'/100;
ZeroData = [ZeroDates ZeroRates];

% CDS spreads
%   Each row in MarketSpreads corresponds to a different issuer; each
%   column to a different maturity date (corresponding to MarketDates)
MarketDates = datenum({'20-Sep-10','20-Sep-11','20-Sep-12','20-Sep-14',...
MarketSpreads = [
   160 195 230 285 330;
   130 165 205 260 305;
   150 180 210 260 300;
   165 200 225 275 295];
% Number of issuers equals number of rows in MarketSpreads
nIssuers = size(MarketSpreads,1);

% Settlement date
Settle = datenum('17-Jul-2009');

% In practice, the time axis is discretized and the FTD survival curve is
% only evaluated at grid points. We use one point every three months. To
% request that |cdsbootstrap| returns default probability values over the
% specific grid points we want, use the optional argument 'ProbDates'. We
% add the original standard CDS market dates to the grid, otherwise the
% default probability information on those dates would be interpolated
% using the two closest dates on the grid, and the prices on market dates
% would be inconsistent with the original market data.

ProbDates = union(MarketDates,daysadd(Settle,360*(0.25:0.25:8),1));
nProbDates = length(ProbDates);
DefProb = zeros(nIssuers,nProbDates);

for ii = 1:nIssuers
   MarketData = [MarketDates MarketSpreads(ii,:)'];
   ProbData = cdsbootstrap(ZeroData,MarketData,Settle,...
   DefProb(ii,:) = ProbData(:,2)';

% These are the calibrated default probability curves for each credit in
% the basket.

title('Individual Default Probability Curves')
ylabel('Cumulative Probability')

%% Determine Latent Variable Thresholds
% Latent variables are used in different credit risk contexts, with
% different interpretations. In some contexts, a latent variable is a proxy
% for a _change in the value of assets_, and the domain of this variable is
% binned, with each bin corresponding to a credit rating. The bins limits,
% or thresholds, are determined from credit migration matrices. In our
% context, the latent variable is associated to a _time to default_, and
% the thresholds determine bins in a discretized time grid where defaults
% may occur.

% Formally, if the time to default of a particular issuer is denoted by
% $\tau$, and we know its default probability function $P(t)$, a latent
% variable $A$ and corresponding thresholds $C(t)$ satisfy
% $$Pr ( \tau \leq t ) = P(t) = Pr (A \leq C(t))$$
% or
% $$Pr ( s \leq \tau \leq t ) = P(t) - P(s) =  Pr (C(s) \leq A \leq C(t))$$
% These relationships make latent variable approaches convenient for both
% simulations and analytical derivations. Both $P(t)$ and $C(t)$ are
% functions of time.
% The choice of a distribution for the variable $A$ determines the
% thresholds $C(t)$. In the standard latent variable model, the variable
% $A$ is chosen to follow a standard normal distribution, from which
% $$C(t) = \Phi^{-1} (P(t))$$
% where $\Phi$ is the cumulative standard normal distribution.

% Use the previous formula to determine the _default-time thresholds_, or
% simply _default thresholds_, corresponding to the default probabilities
% previously obtained for the credits in the basket.

DefThresh = norminv(DefProb);

%% Derive Survival Curve for the Basket
% Following O'Kane [2], we use a one-factor latent variable model to derive
% expressions for the survival probability function of the basket.
% Given parameters $\beta_i$ for each issuer $i$, and given independent
% standard normal variables $Z$ and $\epsilon_i$, the one-factor latent
% variable model assumes that the latent variable $A_i$ associated to
% issuer $i$ satisfies
% $$A_i = \beta_i * Z + \sqrt{1-\beta_i^2} * \epsilon_i$$
% This induces a correlation between issuers $i$ and $j$ of $\beta_i
% \beta_j$. All latent variables $A_i$ share the common factor $Z$ as a
% source of uncertainty, but each latent variable also has an idiosyncratic
% source of uncertainty $\epsilon_i$. The larger the coefficient $\beta_i$,
% the more the latent variable resembles the common factor $Z$.

% Using the latent variable model, we derive an analytic formula for the
% survival probability of the basket.
% The probability that issuer $i$ survives past time $t_j$, in other words,
% that its default time $\tau_i$ is greater than $t_j$ is
% $$Pr ( \tau_i > t_j ) = 1 - Pr ( A_i \leq C_i(t_j) )$$
% where $C_i(t_j)$ is the default threshold computed above for issuer $i$,
% for the $j$-th date in the discretization grid.

% Conditional on the value of the one-factor $Z$, the probability that all
% issuers survive past time $t_j$ is
% $$Pr (\mbox{No defaults by time } t_j | Z )$$
% $$= Pr ( \tau_i > t_j \mbox{ for all } i | Z )$$
% $$= \prod_i [ 1 - Pr (A_i \leq C_i(t_j) | Z) ]$$
% where the product is justified because all the $\epsilon_i$'s are
% independent. Therefore, conditional on $Z$, the $A_i$'s are independent.

% The unconditional probability of no defaults by time $t_j$ is the
% integral over all values of $Z$ of the previous conditional probability
% $$Pr ( \mbox{No defaults by time } t_j )$$
% $$= \int_Z \prod_i [1 - Pr (A_i \leq C_i(t_j) | Z)] \phi(Z) dZ$$
% with $\phi(Z)$ the standard normal density.
% By evaluating this one-dimensional integral for each point $t_j$ in the
% grid, we get a discretization of the survival curve for the whole basket,
% which is the FTD survival curve.

% The latent variable model can also be used to simulate default times,
% which is the back engine of many pricing methodologies for credit
% instruments. Loeffler and Posch [1], for example, estimate the survival
% probability of a basket via simulation. In each simulated scenario a time
% to default is determined for each issuer. With some bookkeeping, the
% probability of having the first default on each bucket of the grid can be
% estimated from the simulation. The simulation approach is also discussed
% in O'Kane [2]. Simulation is very flexible and applicable to many credit
% instruments. However, analytic approaches are preferred, when available,
% because they are much faster and more accurate than simulation.

% To compute the FTD survival probabilities in our example, we set all
% betas to the square root of a target correlation. Then we loop over all
% dates in the time grid to compute the one dimensional integral that gives
% the survival probability of the basket.
% Regarding implementation, the conditional survival probability as a
% function of a scalar |Z| would be
%   condProb=@(Z)prod(normcdf((-DefThresh(:,jj)+beta*Z)./sqrt(1-beta.^2)));
% However, the integration function we use requires that the function
% handle of the integrand accepts vectors. Although a loop around the
% scalar version of the conditional probability would work, it is far more
% efficient to vectorize the conditional probability using |bsxfun|.

beta = sqrt(0.25)*ones(nIssuers,1);

FTDSurvProb = zeros(size(ProbDates));
for jj = 1:nProbDates
   % vectorized conditional probability as a function of Z
   vecCondProb = @(Z)prod(normcdf(bsxfun(@rdivide,...
   % truncate domain of normal distribution to [-5,5] interval
   FTDSurvProb(jj) = integral(@(Z)vecCondProb(Z).*normpdf(Z),-5,5);
FTDDefProb = 1-FTDSurvProb;

% Compare the FTD probability to the default probabilities of the
% individual issuers.

hold on
hold off
title('FTD and Individual Default Probability Curves')
ylabel('Cumulative Probability')

%% Find FTD Spreads and Price Existing FTD Swaps
% Under the assumption that all instruments in the basket have the same
% recovery rate, or homogeneous loss assumption (see O'Kane in References),
% we get the spread for the FTD swap using the |cdsspread| function, but
% passing the FTD probability data just computed.

Maturity = MarketDates;
ProbDataFTD = [ProbDates, FTDDefProb];
FTDSpread = cdsspread(ZeroData,ProbDataFTD,Settle,Maturity);

% Compare the FTD spreads with the individual spreads.

hold on
hold off
title('FTD and Individual CDS Spreads')
ylabel('FTD Spread (bp)')
xlabel('Maturity Date')

% An existing FTD swap can be priced with |cdsprice|, using the same FTD
% probability.

Maturity0 = MarketDates(1); % Assume maturity on nearest market date
Spread0 = 540; % Spread of existing FTD contract
% Assume default values of recovery and notional
FTDPrice = cdsprice(ZeroData,ProbDataFTD,Settle,Maturity0,Spread0);
fprintf('Price of existing FTD contract: %g\n',FTDPrice)

%% Analyze Sensitivity to Correlation
% To illustrate the sensitivity of the FTD spreads to model parameters, we
% calculate the market spreads for a range of correlation values.

corr = [0 0.01 0.10 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.90 0.99 1];
FTDSpreadByCorr = zeros(length(Maturity),length(corr));
FTDSpreadByCorr(:,1) = sum(MarketSpreads)';
FTDSpreadByCorr(:,end) = max(MarketSpreads)';

for ii = 2:length(corr)-1
   beta = sqrt(corr(ii))*ones(nIssuers,1);
   FTDSurvProb = zeros(length(ProbDates));
   for jj = 1:nProbDates
      % vectorized conditional probability as a function of Z
      condProb = @(Z)prod(normcdf(bsxfun(@rdivide,...
      % truncate domain of normal distribution to [-5,5] interval
      FTDSurvProb(jj) = integral(@(Z)condProb(Z).*normpdf(Z),-5,5);
   FTDDefProb = 1-FTDSurvProb;
   ProbDataFTD = [ProbDates, FTDDefProb];
   FTDSpreadByCorr(:,ii) = cdsspread(ZeroData,ProbDataFTD,Settle,Maturity);

% The FTD spreads lie in a band between the sum and the maximum of
% individual spreads. As the correlation increases to one, the FTD spreads
% decrease towards the maximum of the individual spreads in the basket (all
% credits default together). As the correlation decreases to zero, the FTD
% spreads approach the sum of the individual spreads (independent credits).

legends = cell(1,length(corr));
legends{1} = 'Sum of Spreads';
hold on
for ii = 2:length(corr)-1
   legends{ii} = ['Corr ' num2str(corr(ii)*100) '%'];
legends{end} = 'Max of Spreads';

hold off
title('FTD Spreads for Different Correlations')
ylabel('FTD Spread (bp)')
xlabel('Maturity Date')

% For short maturities and small correlations, the basket is effectively
% independent (the FTD spread is very close to the sum of individual
% spreads). The correlation effect becomes more significant for longer
% maturities.
% Here is an alternative visualization of the dependency of FTD spreads on 
% correlation. 

ax = gca;
ax.YDir = 'reverse';
title('FTD Spreads for Different Correlations and Maturities')
ylabel('Maturity Date')
zlabel('FTD Spread (bp)')

%% References
% [1] Loeffler, Gunter and Peter Posch, _Credit risk modeling using Excel
% and VBA_, Wiley Finance, 2007.
% [2] O'Kane, Dominic, _Modelling single-name and multi-name Credit
%    Derivatives_, Wiley Finance, 2008.