www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/PriceSwapBySpecifyingMultipleTermStructuresUsinga1by2RatExample.m

    %% Price Swap By Specifying Multiple Term Structures Using a 1-by-2 |RateSpec|
% Price a swap using two interest-rate curves. First, define data for the two interest-rate term structures:  

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

StartDates = '01-May-2012'; 
EndDates = {'01-May-2013'; '01-May-2014';'01-May-2015';'01-May-2016'};
Rates1 = [0.0356;0.041185;0.04489;0.047741];
Rates2 = [0.0366;0.04218;0.04589;0.04974];  

% Create the |RateSpec| using |intenvset|. 
RateSpecReceiving = intenvset('Rates', Rates1, 'StartDates',StartDates,...
'EndDates', EndDates, 'Compounding', 1);
RateSpecPaying= intenvset('Rates', Rates2, 'StartDates',StartDates,...
'EndDates', EndDates, 'Compounding', 1);
RateSpec=[RateSpecReceiving RateSpecPaying]  

% Define the swap instruments. 
Settle = '01-May-2012';
Maturity = '01-May-2015';
LegRate = [0.06 10]; 
Principal = [100;50;100];    

% Price three swaps using the two curves. 
Price = swapbyzero(RateSpec, LegRate, Settle, Maturity, 'Principal', Principal)