www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/PutSwaptionHWInterestRateTreeExample.m

    %% Price a 3-Year Put Swaption Using an HW Interest-Rate Tree
% This example shows how to price a 3-year put swaption using an HW interest-rate tree with the following data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

Rates =0.075 * ones (10,1);   
Compounding = 2;    
StartDates = ['jan-1-2007';'jul-1-2007';'jan-1-2008';'jul-1-2008';'jan-1-2009';...
'jul-1-2009';'jan-1-2010'; 'jul-1-2010';'jan-1-2011';'jul-1-2011'];    
EndDates =['jul-1-2007';'jan-1-2008';'jul-1-2008';'jan-1-2009';'jul-1-2009';...
ValuationDate = 'jan-1-2007';      

% define the RatesSpec
RateSpec = intenvset('Rates', Rates, 'StartDates', StartDates, 'EndDates',...
EndDates, 'Compounding', Compounding);  

% use HWVolSpec to compute the interest-rate volatility
Volatility = 0.05*ones(10,1);
AlphaCurve = 0.01*ones(10,1);
AlphaDates = EndDates;
HWVolSpec = hwvolspec(ValuationDate, EndDates, Volatility, AlphaDates, AlphaCurve);

% use HWTimeSpec to specify the structure of the time layout for an HW interest-rate tree
HWTimeSpec = hwtimespec(ValuationDate, EndDates, Compounding);

% build the HW tree
HWTree = hwtree(HWVolSpec, RateSpec, HWTimeSpec); 

% use the following arguments for a 1-year swap and 3-year swaption
ExerciseDates = 'jan-1-2010';
SwapSettlement = ExerciseDates;
SwapMaturity   = 'jan-1-2012';
Spread = 0;
SwapReset = 2 ; 
Principal = 100;
OptSpec = 'put';  
Strike= 0.04;

% price the swaption
PriceSwaption = swaptionbyhw(HWTree, OptSpec, Strike, ExerciseDates, ...
Spread, SwapSettlement, SwapMaturity,'SwapReset', SwapReset, ...
'Basis', Basis,'Principal', Principal)