www.gusucode.com > fininst 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > fininst/SimulateElectricityPricesExample.m

    %% Simulating Electricity Prices with Mean-Reversion and Jump-Diffusion
% This example shows how to simulate electricity prices using a
% mean-reverting model with seasonality and a jump component. The model is
% calibrated under the real-world probability using historical
% electricity prices. The market price of risk is obtained from futures
% prices. A risk-neutral Monte Carlo simulation is conducted using the
% calibrated model and the market price of risk. The simulation results are
% used to price a Bermudan option with electricity prices as the
% underlying.
% Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Overview of the Model
% Electricity prices exhibit jumps in prices at periods of high demand when
% additional, less efficient electricity generation methods are brought
% on-line to provide a sufficient supply of electricity. In addition,
% they have a prominent seasonal component, along with reversion to mean
% levels. Therefore, these characteristics should be incorporated into a
% model of electricity prices [2]. 
% In this example, electricity price is modeled as:
% $log(P_t) = f(t) + X_t$
% where $P_t$ is the spot price of electricity. The logarithm of electricity
% price is modeled with two components: $f(t)$ and $X_t$. The component
% $f(t)$ is the deterministic seasonal part of the model, and $X_t$ is
% the stochastic part of the model. Trigonometric functions are used to
% model $f(t)$ as follows [3]:
% $f(t) = s_1 \sin(2 \pi t) + s_2 \cos(2 \pi t) + s_3 \sin(4 \pi t) + s_4
% \cos(4 \pi t) + s_5$
% where $s_i, i=1,...,5$ are constant parameters, and $t$ is the annualized
% time factors. The stochastic component $X_t$ is modeled as an
% Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (mean-reverting) with jumps:
% $dX_t = (\alpha - \kappa X_t)dt + \sigma dW_t + J(\mu_J, \sigma_J)
% d\Pi(\lambda)$
% The parameters $\alpha$ and $\kappa$ are the mean-reversion parameters.
% Parameter $\sigma$ is the volatility, and $W_t$ is a standard Brownian
% motion. The jump size is $J(\mu_J, \sigma_J)$, with normally distributed
% mean $\mu_J$ and standard deviation $\sigma_J$. The Poisson process
% $\Pi(\lambda)$ has a jump intensity of $\lambda$.

%% Electricity Prices
% Sample electricity prices from January 1, 2010 to November 11, 2013 are
% loaded and plotted below. |Prices| contain the electricity prices, and
% |PriceDates| contain the dates associated with the prices. The logarithm
% of the prices and annual time factors are calculated.

% Load electricity prices and futures prices

% Plot electricity prices
plot(PriceDates, Prices);
title('Electricity Prices');
ylabel('Price ($)');

% Obtain log of prices
logPrices = log(Prices);

% Obtain annual time factors from dates
PriceTimes = yearfrac(PriceDates(1), PriceDates);

%% Calibration
% First, the deterministic seasonality part is calibrated using the least
% squares method. Since the seasonality function is linear with respect to
% the parameters $s_i$, the backslash operator (|mldivide|) is used. After
% the calibration, the seasonality is removed from the logarithm of price.
% The logarithm of price and seasonality trends are plotted below. Also,
% the de-seasonalized logarithm of price is plotted.

% Calibrate parameters for the seasonality model
seasonMatrix = @(t) [sin(2.*pi.*t) cos(2.*pi.*t) sin(4.*pi.*t) ...
    cos(4.*pi.*t) t ones(size(t, 1), 1)];
C = seasonMatrix(PriceTimes);
seasonParam = C\logPrices;

% Plot log price and seasonality line
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(PriceDates, logPrices);
title('log(price) and Seasonality');
hold on;
plot(PriceDates, C*seasonParam, 'r');
hold off;
legend('log(Price)', 'seasonality');

% Plot de-seasonalized log price
X = logPrices-C*seasonParam;
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(PriceDates, X);
title('log(price) with Seasonality Removed');

% The second stage is to calibrate the stochastic part. The model for $X_t$
% needs to be discretized in order to conduct the calibration. To
% discretize, we assume a Bernoulli process for the jump events. That is,
% there is at most one jump per day since we are calibrating against daily
% electricity prices. The discretized equation is:
% $X_t=\alpha \Delta t + \phi X_{t-1} + \sigma \xi$
% with probability $(1 - \lambda \Delta t)$ and,
% $X_t=\alpha \Delta t + \phi X_{t-1} + \sigma \xi + \mu_J + \sigma_J \xi_J$
% with probability $\lambda \Delta t$, where $\xi$ and $\xi_J$ are
% independent standard normal random variables, and $\phi = 1 - \kappa
% \Delta t$. The density function of $X_t$ given $X_{t-1}$ is [1,4]:
% $f(X_t|X_{t-1}) = (\lambda \Delta t) N_1(X_t|X_{t-1}) + 
% (1 - \lambda \Delta t) N_2(X_t|X_{t-1})$
% $N_1(X_t|X_{t-1}) = (2 \pi (\sigma^2 + \sigma_J^2))^{-\frac{1}{2}}
% \exp(\frac{-(X_t - \alpha \Delta t - \phi X_{t-1} - \mu_J)^2}{2 (\sigma^2
% + \sigma_J^2)})$
% $N_2(X_t|X_{t-1}) = (2 \pi \sigma^2)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp(\frac{-(X_t -
% \alpha \Delta t - \phi X_{t-1})^2}{2 \sigma^2})$
% The parameters $\theta = 
% \{\alpha,\phi,\mu_J,\sigma^2, \sigma_J^2,\lambda\}$ can be calibrated by
% minimizing the negative log likelihood function:
% $min_{\theta} 
% -\sum^T_{t=1} \log(f(X_t|X_{t-1}))$
% $subject ~to ~\phi < 1, \sigma^2 > 0, \sigma_J^2 > 0, 0 \leq \lambda
% \Delta t \leq 1$
% The first inequality constraint, $\phi < 1$, is equivalent to 
% $\kappa > 0$. The volatilities $\sigma$ and $\sigma_J$ must be positive. 
% In the last inequality, $\lambda \Delta t$ is between 0 and 1, because it
% represents the probability of a jump occurring in $\Delta t$ time. In this
% example, we take $\Delta t$ to be one day. Consequently, there is at most
% 365 jumps in one year. The function |mle| from the Statistics and Machine
% Learning Toolbox(TM) is well suited to solve the above maximum likelihood
% problem.

% Prices at t, X(t)
Pt = X(2:end);

% Prices at t-1, X(t-1)
Pt_1 = X(1:end-1);

% Discretization for daily prices
dt = 1/365;

% PDF for discretized model
mrjpdf = @(Pt, a, phi, mu_J, sigmaSq, sigmaSq_J, lambda) ...
    lambda.*exp((-(Pt-a-phi.*Pt_1-mu_J).^2)./ ...
    (2.*(sigmaSq+sigmaSq_J))).* (1/sqrt(2.*pi.*(sigmaSq+sigmaSq_J))) + ...
    (1-lambda).*exp((-(Pt-a-phi.*Pt_1).^2)/(2.*sigmaSq)).* ...

% Constraints: 
% phi < 1 (k > 0)
% sigmaSq > 0
% sigmaSq_J > 0
% 0 <= lambda <= 1
lb = [-Inf -Inf -Inf 0 0 0];
ub = [Inf 1 Inf Inf Inf 1];

% Initial values
x0 = [0 0 0 var(X) var(X) 0.5];

% Solve maximum likelihood
params = mle(Pt,'pdf',mrjpdf,'start',x0,'lowerbound',lb,'upperbound',ub,...

% Obtain calibrated parameters
alpha = params(1)/dt
kappa = params(2)/dt
mu_J = params(3)
sigma = sqrt(params(4)/dt)
sigma_J = sqrt(params(5))
lambda = params(6)/dt

%% Monte Carlo Simulation
% The calibrated parameters and the discretized model allow us to simulate
% electricity prices under the real-world probability. The simulation is
% conducted for approximately 2 years with 10,000 trials. It exceeds 2
% years to include all the dates in the last month of simulation. This is
% because the expected simulation prices for the futures contract expiry
% date is required in the next section to calculate the market price of
% risk. The seasonality is added back on the simulated paths. A plot for
% a single simulation path is plotted below.

rng default;

% Simulate for about 2 years
nPeriods = 365*2+20;
nTrials = 10000;
n1 = randn(nPeriods,nTrials);
n2 = randn(nPeriods, nTrials);
j = binornd(1, lambda*dt, nPeriods, nTrials);
SimPrices = zeros(nPeriods, nTrials);
SimPrices(1,:) = X(end);
for i=2:nPeriods
    SimPrices(i,:) = alpha*dt + (1-kappa*dt)*SimPrices(i-1,:) + ...
                sigma*sqrt(dt)*n1(i,:) + j(i,:).*(mu_J+sigma_J*n2(i,:));

% Add back seasonality
SimPriceDates = daysadd(PriceDates(end),0:nPeriods-1);
SimPriceTimes = yearfrac(PriceDates(1), SimPriceDates);
CSim = seasonMatrix(SimPriceTimes);
logSimPrices = SimPrices + repmat(CSim*seasonParam,1,nTrials);

% Plot logarithm of Prices and simulated logarithm of Prices
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(PriceDates, logPrices);
hold on;
plot(SimPriceDates(2:end), logSimPrices(2:end,1), 'red');
seasonLine = seasonMatrix([PriceTimes; SimPriceTimes(2:end)])*seasonParam;
plot([PriceDates; SimPriceDates(2:end)], seasonLine, 'green');
hold off;
title('Actual log(price) and Simulated log(price)');
legend('market', 'simulation');

% Plot prices and simulated prices
PricesSim = exp(logSimPrices);
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(PriceDates, Prices);
hold on;
plot(SimPriceDates, PricesSim(:,1), 'red');
hold off;
title('Actual Prices and Simulated Prices');
ylabel('Price ($)');
legend('market', 'simulation');

%% Calibration of the Market Price of Risk
% Up to this point, the parameters were calibrated under the real-world
% probability. However, in order to price options, we need the simulation
% under the risk-neutral probability. To obtain this, we calculate the
% market price of risk from futures prices to derive the risk-neutral
% parameters. Suppose that there are monthly futures contracts available on
% the market, which are settled daily during the contract month. For
% example, such futures for the PJM electricity market is listed on the
% Chicago Mercantile Exchange [5].
% The futures are settled daily during the contract month. Therefore, we
% obtain daily futures values by assuming the futures value is constant for
% the contract month. The expected futures prices from the real-world
% measure are also needed to calculate the market price of risk. This can
% be obtained from the simulation conducted in the previous section.

% Obtain daily futures prices
FutPricesDaily = zeros(size(SimPriceDates));
for i=1:nPeriods
    idx = find(year(SimPriceDates(i)) == year(FutExpiry) & ...
        month(SimPriceDates(i)) == month(FutExpiry));
    FutPricesDaily(i) = FutPrices(idx);

% Calculate expected futures price under real-world measure
SimPricesExp = mean(PricesSim, 2);

% To calibrate the market price of risk against market futures values, we
% use the following equation:
% $\log(\frac{F_t}{E_t}) = -\sigma e^{-kt} \int_0^t e^{ks} m_s ds$
% where $F_t$ is the observed futures value at time $t$, and $E_t$ is the
% expected value under the real-world measure at time $t$. The equation was
% obtained using the same methodology as described in [3]. We assume that
% the market price of risk is fully driven by the Brownian motion. The
% market price of risk, $m_t$, can be solved by discretizing the above
% equation and solving a system of linear equations.

% Setup system of equations
t0 = yearfrac(PriceDates(1), FutValuationDate);
tz = SimPriceTimes-t0;
b = -log(FutPricesDaily(2:end) ./ SimPricesExp(2:end)) ./ ...
A = (1/kappa).*(exp(kappa.*tz(2:end)) - exp(kappa.*tz(1:end-1)));
A = tril(repmat(A', size(A,1), 1));

% Precondition to stabilize numerical inversion
P = diag(1./diag(A));
b = P*b;
A = P*A;

% Solve for market price of risk
riskPremium = A\b;

%% Simulation of Risk-neutral Prices
% Once $m_t$ is obtained, risk-neutral simulation can be conducted using
% the following dynamics:
% $X_t = \alpha \Delta t + \phi X_{t-1} - \sigma m_{t-1} \Delta t +
% \sigma \xi$
% with probability $(1 - \lambda \Delta t)$ and
% $X_t = \alpha \Delta t + \phi X_{t-1} - \sigma m_{t-1} \Delta t + \sigma
% \xi + \mu_J + \sigma_J \xi_J$
% with probability $\lambda \Delta t$.

nTrials = 10000;
n1 = randn(nPeriods, nTrials);
n2 = randn(nPeriods, nTrials);
j = binornd(1, lambda*dt, nPeriods, nTrials);

SimPrices = zeros(nPeriods, nTrials);
SimPrices(1,:) = X(end);
for i=2:nPeriods
    SimPrices(i,:) = alpha*dt + (1-kappa*dt)*SimPrices(i-1,:) + ...
        sigma*sqrt(dt)*n1(i,:) - sigma*dt*riskPremium(i-1) + ...

% Add back seasonality
CSim = seasonMatrix(SimPriceTimes);
logSimPrices = SimPrices + repmat(CSim*seasonParam,1,nTrials);

% Convert log(Price) to Price
PricesSim = exp(logSimPrices);

% The expected values from the risk-neutral simulation are plotted against
% the market futures values. This confirms that the risk-neutral simulation
% closely reproduces the market futures values.

% Obtain expected values from the risk-neutral simulation
SimPricesExp = mean(PricesSim,2);
fexp = zeros(size(FutExpiry));
for i = 1:size(FutExpiry,1)
    idx = SimPriceDates == FutExpiry(i);    
    if sum(idx)==1
        fexp(i) = SimPricesExp(idx);

% Plot expected values from the simulation against market futures prices
plot(FutExpiry, FutPrices(1:size(FutExpiry,1)),'-*');
hold on;
plot(FutExpiry, fexp, '*r');
hold off;
title('Market Futures Prices and Simulated Futures Prices');
legend('market', 'simulation', 'Location', 'NorthWest');
plot(SimPriceDates(2:end), riskPremium);
title('Market Price of Risk');
ylabel('Market Price of Risk');

%% Pricing a Bermudan Option
% The risk-neutral simulated values can be used as input into the function
% |optpricebysim| in the Financial Instruments Toolbox(TM) to price an
% European, Bermudan, or American option on electricity prices. Below, we
% price a two year Bermudan call option with two exercise opportunities.
% The first excercise is after one year, and the second is at the maturity
% of the option.

% Settle, maturity of option
Settle = FutValuationDate;
Maturity = addtodate(FutValuationDate, 2, 'year');

% Create interest rate term structure
riskFreeRate = 0.01;
Basis = 0;
Compounding = -1;
RateSpec = intenvset('ValuationDate', Settle, 'StartDates', Settle, ...
    'EndDates', Maturity, 'Rate', riskFreeRate, 'Compounding', ...
    Compounding, 'Basis', Basis);

% Cutoff simulation at maturity
endIdx = find(SimPriceDates == Maturity);
SimPrices = PricesSim(1:endIdx,:);
Times = SimPriceTimes(1:endIdx) - SimPriceTimes(1);

% Bermudan call option with strike 60, two exercise opportunities, after
% one year and at maturity.
OptSpec = 'call';
Strike = 60;
ExerciseTimes = [Times(366) Times(end)];
Price = optpricebysim(RateSpec, SimPrices, Times, OptSpec, Strike, ...

%% References
% [1] Escribano, Alvaro, Pena, Juan Ignacio, Villaplana, Pablo, Modeling
%     Electricity Prices: International Evidence, Universidad Carloes III
%     de Madrid, Working Paper 02-27, 2002.
% [2] Lucia, Julio J., Schwartz, Eduaro, Electricity Prices and Power
%     Derivatives: Evidence from the Nordic Power Exchange, Review of
%     Derivatives Research, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp 5-50, 2002.
% [3] Seifert, Jan, Uhrig-Homburg, Marliese, Modelling Jumps in Electricity
%     Prices: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Review of Derivatives
%     Research, Vol. 10, pp 59-85, 2007.
% [4] Villaplana, Pablo, Pricing Power Derivatives: A Two-Factor
%     Jump-Diffusion Approach, Universidad Carloes III de Madrid, Working
%     Paper 03-18, 2003.
% [5] http://www.cmegroup.com